Great Basin Natukaust Memoirs

No. 11

*    __1S9T. Yerschiedene kleine Nachlesen zu fruheren

zoologischen Publikationen. Berichte des Natur-wissensehaltlichmedizinischen Yereines in Innsbruck 23:21. ().

* __ 1900. Phloeosinus tfuijac. Schudling exoti.xcher

Nadelhol/.er. Landwirtscliaftliche Blatter 21:294 ()•

Greeley. A W.K II Wright and B Popi: 1953. Finał report on the 1952 blowdown and bark beetle survey in the Douglas-lłr region of Oregon and Washington. United States Department of Agri-culture, Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Forest and Hangę Experiinent Station. 30 p., appendi.\33 p.. 4 map.s. (cn).

Greeley W B. Earle 11 Clapp. Herbert A Smith. RaphaelZon. W N Sparhawk. Ward Shepard. andJ KiTTREDGE. Jr. 1922. Timber, minęorerop? Two national problems: land use and timber sup-ply. United States Department of Agricultnre, Yearbook 1922.S3-163. (ds).

Greek. C. L F A McCarty. Lewis J Edson. and Thomas Lee Payne 1980. Apparatus for .sticky trap washing and insect recoverv. Southwestern Entomologist 5(1): 19-21. (ins).

•Greek. Edward Ernest 1903a. On the introduction of a prcdaceous beetle (Clcrus fonnicarius) to com-bat the shot-hole borer. Tropical Agricultnre 32:443-445. ().

__ 1903b. Shot-hole borer. Circular and Agricultural

Journal of the Royal Botanical Gardens, Per-adeniya, Ceylon 2(9):139-156. (cn echb).

__ 1903c. Shot-hole borer. A.ylcborits fornicatiis

Eichh. Circular and Agricultural Journal of the Roval Botanical Gardens, Peracleniya, Cevlon 2(9):141-156. (en echb).

__ 1906. Entomological notes. Tropical Agricultnre

27:193-195. (cii).

-- 1909a. Entomological notes. Tropical Agricultnre

33:431-433. (cn).

__ 1909b. Shot-hole borer and the predaceons ene-

mies. Tropical Agricultnre 34:391-392. (cc).

--1910. Entomological notes. Tropical Agricultnre

35:221. (cn ec).

--1911. Clerus fonnicarius in relation to shothole

borer. Tropical Agriculture 37:129-130. (cn ec).

--1912a. Shot hole borers (ScoK tidae and Bostrychi-

dae). Tropical Agricultnre 38:37-39. (cn ds tx).

* --1912b. Xyleborus fornicatiis Eichh. on Tea. Re

port ol the Governrnent Entomologist. Admin. Rep. Dept. Agric. Ceylon, Part IV. Education. Science and Art pp. C2-C4. 3(9): 101-103. (1912?). ().

Greek. F. J 1923. Howtocombatinjuriousinsects. Quar-terly Journal ofForestry 17(4):208-224. (cn).

Green. NathaiY Mortok Bekoza. and Stanley A Hall. 1960. Reccnt dcvelopments in chemical attrac-tants for iuseets. Pages 129-179 in R. L. Metcalf (ed.), Advances in pest contro! researeh, Vol. 3 Interscience Publishers lnc., New York. 448 p. (en).

Greene. Georce M 191S. A rare Coleoptera paper of T. W. Harris. American Entomological Society, Transactions 44:251-261. (t.\).

Greene. Lula E. 19S3. Simulated natural encounters of the insecticides, chlorpyrifos and carbaryl. by western pine beetle predators Enoclcrus lecontei and E. sphrgcus (Coeleoptera: Cleridae). Envi-romnental Entomolog}' 12:502-504. (cn).

'Greese. F. J 1926. U ber den Regenarationsfrass des kleinen Waldgartners (Blastophagus minor Har-tig) [ln Russian]. Yerhandl. des Forstversuch-swesens Ukrainas 1926. Lief. 5:1-31. ().

•Greese. M.. A Iljnsky. P Kliuschnik. und w 7.IOP-KALO 1935. Schadlinge und Krankheiten des Waldes. Staatl. Landwirtsch. Yerlag Charków. 163 p., 59 figs. ().

'Greese. X S 1926. K voprosu o vozobnoviteloruom pitanim u malogo so.snovogo luboeda (Blastopha-gus minor llartig) [Zur Frage uberden Regcnera-tionsfrass bei dem kleinen Waldgartner. Blastoph-agus minor Hartig]. Trudy po lisoviy dosivdniy spravi na ukraini 5. Kiew 33 p. ().

* __192S. Brakoniden, die in der Ukrainę ans

Borkenkafern gezogeii sind [In Russian). Mit-teilungen ans dem Forstlichen Yersuchswesen in der Ukrainę 9.137-139. ().

* __ 1939. Schadlinge der Windschntzstreifen [ln

Ukranian). Agro-melioratives Institnt Ukrainę, Charków. 73 p. ().

Grecc.Tommy F. Gregory M Filip, and James S Had-FIELD 1980. Pacific Northwest Region (R-6). Pages 37-42 in P. W. Orr and U. D. Brown, Forest insect and disease conditions in the United States, 197S. United States Department of Agricultnre, Forest Semce. vi + S3 p. (cn).

Gregg. Tommy F. Donald | Goheen. and David R. Bridgwater 1978. Pacific Northwest Region (R-6). Pages 39-48 in P. W. Orr and H. D. Brown, Forest insect and disease conditions in the United States, 1977. United States Department of Agri-culture. Forest Serviee. SS p. (cn).

Gregg. Tommy F . and James S Hadfield 1978. Pacific Northwest Region (R-6). Pages 19-22 in U. D. Brown and P. W. Orr, Forest insect and disease conditions in the United States, 1976. United States Department of Agricultnre, Forest Sei vice. vi - 40 p. (cn).

-Gregoire. Jean ClaUDE. 1973. Le Dendroctonus mi-cans Kug. en Belgi<pie et dans la (bret de Cbanly. Unpublished thesis, Travail de fiu d etudes, Fac-ulte des Sciences Agronomiques, Gemblonx. 109

!>• ()•

__ 1977. Notę sur deux ennemis naturels de Dendroctonus micans Kugelann en Belgique (Coleoptera: ScoK tidae). Societe Entomologique de Bel-gique, Bulletin et Annales 112(7-9):20S-212. (ec).

__1981. Aspects du comportement gregaire chez les

larves de Dendroctonus micans Kug., Rhizopha-gus grandis Gyll. et Bhyllodecta riłellinae L. (Coleoptera: ScoK tidae, Rhizophagidae et Chrysome-lidae). Pages 74-77. Assembiee Generale de la Section Francaise de l Union Internationale pour letudedes Insectes Sociaux. pul)), by: Univ. Paul Sabatier, Toulou.se. (bv).

Gregoire. Jean Claude. J Merlin. and J M Pasteels 19S4. \U\ss-v earingoiR bizo phagus grandis for the biological control ol Dendroctonus micans: an in-terplay between teehnical requirements and the species biological characteristics. Mededelingen ean de Faculteit Landbouwwetensehappen Rijk-suniversiteit Gent 49(3A):763-769. (ec).


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