
Great Basin Natura list M emoirs

No. 11

•K 1907. \;liv zcvnich cinitelu na delku doby vwoje u hmyzu [(Der Einfluss ausserer Faktoren auf die Entwicklungszeit der Insekten]). Zivz 17:423. (). *K Cz. IS62. Kornik drukarz. Rocznik Leśniczy 3(1):45.


Kaarik. Aino 1973. The succession nf blueing fungi in insect galleries in roundwood dnring storagc. Skogshogskolan, lnstitutioncs for Virkeslara, Rap-porter Nr. R 83. 20 p. (ec).

Kaatz. Arthur. 1961. Summary of insect conditions in the Republicofthe Sudan. Cooperative Economic Insect Report 11(I5):305-307. (ds).

__ 1962. Summary of insect conditions in the Rcpub-

lic of the Sudan. Cooperative Economic Insect Report I2(4):52-54. (ds).

__ 1964. Summary of insect conditions in the Repub-

lic of the Sudan. Cooperative Economic Insect Report I4(2):2I-25. (en ds).

•KaBE. MasaaK! 1954. lllustration of galleries of bark-beetles (Scolytidae and Platypodidac). [Publ. in 2 parts; both in Japanese and English]. Nlaebashi Regional Forest Office (Japan). ().

* __ 1955. Studies on the galleries of bark beetles and

ambrosiabeetlesin Japan [ln Japanese]. Nlaebashi Regional Forest Office (Japan). ().

* __ 1956a. Identification of the bark beetles (Scolyti

dae) used to misidentify [ln Japanese]. Shinrin Boćki Nyusu (Forest Protection Ncws)5(7):S-I2. ().

* __I956b. leones of the galleries of bark-beetles and

ambrosia-bectles in Japan [ln Japanese]. Tokyo. 290 p. ().

* __ 1957. An illustrated book of the bark and ambrosia

beetles from Japan [ln Japanese]. Nlaebashi Regional Forest Office (Japan). ().

* --1959. An illustrated book of the scolytid and platy-

podid beetles from Japan [ln Japanese]. Tokyo. ().

* -- 1960. On the hosts and habits of the scolytid and

platypodid beetles in Japan [In Japanese], Nlae-bashi Regional Forest Office (Japan). ().

KaBIR. Abdul K M F 1963. The Columbian timber beetle (Coiilu/lus columbianus) and its associated micro-organisms in soft mapie. Unpublished dis-sertation, Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana. 151 p. (ee hb).

-- 1964. The Columbian timber beetle (Cortlujlus

columbianus) and its associated micro-organisms in soft mapie. Dissertation Abstracts 24(12. Pt. 1):4S94-4S95. (cc hb).

Kabir. Abdul K M. F.. and Ronald Lawrence Giese. 1966. The Columbian timber beetle, Cortlujlus columbianus (Coleoptera: Scolytidae): l Bioiogy of the beetle, 11. Fungi and staining associated with the beetle in soft mapie. Entomological Soci-etyof America, Annals 59:S83-902. (ec hb). Kaddou. Ibrauim K 1967. Cbeck-list ol some insect fauna of lraq. Council of Scientific Research, Bio-logical Research Centre, Baghdad, lraq, Publ. No. 1. 44 p. (ds).

Kadyroy. A Km 1969. Materiały k biologii i vredonnsnoti zhukov-koroedov-vreditelei dekorativnvkh na sazhdenii gorodov i posełkov Yu go-Zapad nogo

Tadzhikistana. Sbornik Rabot Aspirantov, Ser. Biol. Nauk, Ch. 3. Dushanbe. ().

* -- 1970. Zhuki-vrediteli iTmowkh nasazhdenii v

Tadzhikistane. Materiały 111 yubileinoi konfer-entsii molodykh a chenykh Tadzhikskoi SSR, posvyashchennoi IOO-letiyu so diya rozhdeliya V. I. Lenina. Dushanbe, “Donish” 0.

* __ 1972. Materiały k biologii i vredonosnosti nekoto-

rykh izuchennykh viduv zhukov-vreditelei lesnykh nasazhdenii Tadzhikistana. Sbornik Rabot Aspirantov, Ser. Biol. Nauk, Ch. 4. Dushanbe. O-

Kanl. 1S96. 18. Versammlungdes Elsass-Lothringischen Forstvereins zu Geweiler am 1 und 2 Juni 1896 [Behandlung der oberelsassischen Vorber-gsniederwaldungen, Kanichcnschaden, Tannen-horkenkaferkalamitat]. Zeitschrift fur Forst- und Jagdwesen 1S96.661-668. (en).

* __ 1908. Bekampfung von Borkenkafern. Forstwis-

senschaftliches Zentralblatt 1908:605. ().

•Kamlich. V. lS65a. Biologische Nlitteilung uber Ips ctiroidens Cerm. Osterreichische Monatsschrift fur das Forstwesen 15:254. 0-

__lS65b. Der Tannenborkenkafer im Schemnitzer

Revjere. Osterreichische Monatsschrift fur das Forstwesen 15:5S-62. (hb ds).

•Kaicorodoff. D I8S3. The spruce bark beetle Bostnjchusand itscontrol [ln Russian], St. Petersburg. ().

Kailidis. D S 1962. Insects and fungi attacking forest trees and shrubs identified during 1960-1961 [ln Greek]. Dassika Chrnnika 4(5/6):236-245. (ds).

__ 1963. Trypodeudron lineatum in Greece [ln

Greek]. Dassika Chrnnika 5(9/10):433-443. (cn).

__ 1964a. Abies ccphalonica in the region of E.

Mainalon in the Peloponnese attacked (by insects) and dying [ln Greek, English summary]. Dassika Chronika 6(I):4I-54. (cn).

__ 19641). Forest insects identified during the last

four years, 1960-1963 [In Greek]. Dassika Chronika, Athens 6( 10):38—43. (ds).

__ 1964c. Mijclophilus piniperda attack Piaus brutia

reforestation [In Greek]. To Dassos No. 33:1-18. (cn hb).

__ 1966a. A revie\v of forest insect problems in south-

east Europę and the eastern Nlediterranean. FAO/1UFRO Symposium on internationally dan-gerous forest diseases and insects. Oxford, 20-30 July 1964. Meeting 11-111, Yolume 1. ii + 7 p. (cn).

__19661). Las plagas forestales mas importantes de

Grecia [The most important forest pests of Greece]. Roletin del Servicio de Plagas Forestales, Madrid 9(I7):55-62. (cn).

__ 1966c. Schadlinge der Griechischen Tanne (Abies

ccphalonica) auf stark erodierten Standorten [Pests o(Abies ccphalonica on severely erodecl sites]. Anzeiger fur Schadlingskunde 39(6):81-85. (cn ds).

__I96S. Enemies of the forest of Pcrtoulion (Obser-

vations 1965-1967) [ln Greek]. (Universitv of Thessalonika, School of Agriculture and Korcstry, Yearbook) Anatyllon I96S:1-51. (cn).


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