Great Basin Natura list M emoiks

No. 11

schonen Fichtenwaldcran der Grenze). Zemedcl-stvi Lesnictivi 2:42-43. ().

. 19461). Vazne kurovcove nehezpeci v nasidi pobraniem ch smrk»vych lesieh [Ernstliehe Borkenkafergefahren in unseren Fichtenwaldern an der Grenze]. Cesko.sloven.sky Los 26:65-67. ().

. 1947a. Dnleziyejsi a pozoruhodnejsi poskazeni, ehorol)v a skudci lesnich drevin v Cechach a na Morave v letccj 1944/1945 [Morę important and noticeahle injuries, diseases, and inseet pests of woodland trees in Bohemia and Moravia in the years 1944 and 1915). Czech. Statnieh Vyzkmnny Vst. Lesn. zpr. 1:148-156. ().

. 19471). Kontrolujme nase \ysledku boje proti kurovci Ips typograpluis a snazme se predvidat jeho dalsi vyvoj [Prufen wir tinsere Aussichten im Kampf gegen den Borkenkafer Ips typograplws). Ceskoslovensky Les 26:5S-59. ().

. 1947e. Lykozrout smrkovy nebczpeenc ohrozuje smrkove poh ranieni lesy [Der Fichtenborkenkafer bedroht in gefahrlicher Weise die Fichtenwalder an der Grenze). Zemedelsky Pokrok 14:8S-S9. ().

. 194<Sa. Dulezitejsi a pozoruhodnejsi poskozeni. chorobv a skudci lcsnich drevin v Cechach a na Moraw v letech 1942-1943 [The most important and noteworthy injuries. diseases, and pests of forest trees in Bohemia and Moravia in the vcars 1942-1943). Ochrana Rostlin 19-20:107-166. (cn).

. 191Sb. Includes reports on the lorcst service, forest fire prevention and eon troi. land settlement and colonization, the Maritime Lumber Bureau, forest research and control of forest insects [Scolytidae, p. 142). New Brunswick Department of Lands and Mines, Annual Report 1916/1947, 112:1-153. (cn).

. 194Sc. Kalamitni skudci, sucho a pożary v lesieh Cech a zenie Moravskoslezske v r. 1947 [Catastrophic inseet outbreaks, drought. and fires in the forests of Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia in 1947). Leśnicka Prace 27(2):33-3S. (cn).

. 1948d. Kalamity v nasich lesieh [Die Kałamitat in unscrcn Waldern). Pokrok v lesnictvi 1948:41 —14. ()•

. 1953a. O methodach boje proti kurovci v SSSR [Die Bekamfungsmethoden gegen den Borkenkafer in der SSSR). Leśnicka Prace 41:260-262. (cn).

. 1953b. Progu os a kalamitnich skudeu na r. 1953 v ceskych krajich [Prognose der Kalamitatssehaden fur das Jahr 1953 in der bobmischen Cegend). Leśnicka Prace 31:254-257. (cn).

. 1960. Prispevek ke gradologii kuroYce smrkoveho Ips tijpographus L. [Population dynamics of /. tijpographus). SbornikCeskoslovenske Akademie Zemedelskvch Ved. Sbornik Rada Lesnictvi 33(5):315-364. (ec lib).

. 1962. Beitrag zur Cradologie des achtzahnigen Fichtenborkenkafers Ips typograplms L. im Erzgebirge (Krusne Hory). Abslract. International Congress ol Entomoiogy, Proceedings,

Wien 1960, 11(2):276. (eehb).

. 1966. Vysledky vvzkumu rozmnozovaciho koefici-etu u Ips typoąraphus L. Zpravy lesnickeho vyzkunui 12(2):23-25. ().

. 1971. Forest proteetion research. Communica-

tiones Instituti Forcstalis Cechoslovcniac 7:101-108. (ms).

Kalandra. Aucustin, J Konia kel. and Antonin Pfek-ker. 1946. Upozorneni na kurovcove tezby [Achtung anf die Borkenkafcrgcfahr). Cesko-slovenskv Les 26:99 ().

Kalandra Aucustin. and Antonin Pfeffer 1935. Prispewk ke studiu graphiosy na jilmech [Ein Beitrag zum Studium der UlmengrapliioseJ. Leśnicka Prace 14:1-17, 4 figs. (cn).

* --1938. Wichtige und bemerkenswerte Beschadi-

gungen, Krankheitcn und Schadlinge der Wald-baume in den Jaliren 1935-1936 in der Tsche-cboslovakei [ln Czech). Ochrana Rostlin 14: 24-33. ().

__ 1940. Dnlezitejei a pozoruhadnejsi poskozeni,

choroby a skudci lesnich drcvin v rocc 1939 v protektorate Cechy a Morava [The most important and noteworthy injuries, diseases, and pests of forest trees, in the year 1939. in the Proteetorateof Bohemia and Moravia). Ochrana Rostlin 16: 40—15. (cn).

* __ 1946 Smernice ochrany proti Iykozroutu sm-

rkoYCimi Ips typa^raphus L. [Ministerielle Richtlinien zum Schutze gegen den Fichten-borkenkafer Ips typof*raphus L.]. Min. zemedel-stvi, Praha 1946:6. ().

♦Kalina Yladimik. 1969. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Lar-ven eu ropa i sc ller Borkenkafer II (Col., Scolytidae). Studia Entomoiogica Forestalia 1(2): 13-22. ().

-- 1970. A contribution to the knowledge of the lar-

vae of European bark bcetles (Colcoptcra, Scolytidae). Acta Entomoiogica Bohemoslovaca 67:116-132. (t.\).

* __1975. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Larven europais-

cher Borkenkafer 111 (Col., Scolytidae). Studia Entomoiogica Forestalia 2(3):41-61. ().

__1977. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Larve» europais-

eber Borkenkafer 3. (Col., Scolytidae). Studia En-tomologica Forestalia 2(3):41-61. (1975). (ay).

•Kalkstein. Laurenci: Saul. 1974a. A method to deter-mine relationships between cl i matę and outbreaks of the Southern pine beetle (Dcmlroctonus fron-talisZimni.). Unpublished dissertation, Lonisiana State Uniwrsity and Agricultural and Mechanical College, Baton Rouge. 143 p. ().

__I974b. A method to detcrminc relationships between climate and outbreaks of the Southern pine beetle (Dendroctonus frontalis Zimm.). Dissertation Abstracts 36(01):539. (ec).

__I974c. The effect of climate upon outbreaks of the

Southern pine beetle. Thornthwaite Publications in Climatology 25(3). 65 p. (ec).

__ 1976. Ellects of cliinatic stress upon outbreaks of

the Southern pine beetle. Environmental Ento-mology 5(4):653-658. (ec).

__198la. An improved techniąue to evaluate cli-

mate-soiitbem pine beetle relationships. Forest Science 27:579-589. (ec).

__I981b. DifTerential response of loblolly pines to

dimatic stress. Professional Geographer 33:122-128. (ec).

Kalshon f.n. Louis Ceorce Edmund. 1920. Yoorloopig onderzoek van een aantasting van levenden Djati door XyIcborus destruens Bldfd. Tcctona 13:1 -26, 2 pis., 2 figs. (ds).


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