Creat Basin Natura list Memoirs

No. 11

Chijpma. P.. and W Schurinc. 1984. Vergelijking van twee insekticide-lokstof combinatics op vangstain-men voor bcstrijding van cle letter/.etter (Ips ty-pographus L.) (Comparison of two insecticide-pheromone comhinations on trap trees lor the controlof/pstypographus]. Nederlands Bosbouw Tijdsehrift 56(12):295-302. (bv en).

Grill. ClaES 1895. Catalogus Coleopteronun Seandi-naviac, Daniae et Fenniae [Scolytidae, p. 307-313]. Stockholm. 2 vols., 432 p. (ds).

__ 1899. Tomicus dispar Fabr. pa appketrad. Ento-

mologisk Tidskrilt 1899:79. (cn).

♦Grillu. E 1925. Die Kafieekultur in Parana, Brasilien (Stephanodcres coffcac). Internationale Agrikul-turwissenschaftliche Rundschau. N. F. 1:1421. ().

♦Grimm. H 1977. Biologie der Ulmensplintkafer unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Wirtswahl. Dipl. Arb., Forstwissensehaftliehe Fakultat(FZl), Universitat Freiburgim Breisgau. 109 p. ().

♦Grinfeld. Edward Karlovicii. 1950. Fauna drevesinv i kory duba. Uch. zap. (Die Fauna des Holzes und der Rinde der Eiche]. Leningradskii gosu-darstvenvi universitet, 134, serie biologieheskikh nauk, 25:228-238. ().

Grinols. W. 1952. Beetle infestation tlireat to lnland Empire Forests; tree harvest to be ruslicd. Missis-sippi Valley Lumberman 84(11):6-S. (cn).

Grisdale. D G.. and L S MacLeod 1962. Tamaraek mortality associated with infestations of the larch sawfly and eastern larch beetle. Canada Department ofForestry, Division ofForcst Entomology, Bi-monthly Progress Report I8(5):2. (cn).

Grison, PlERRE. 1970. La lutte biologicpiecn foret. Revue Forestiere Francais 22(No. special "La lutte bi-ologiąue en foret):256-271. (cn).

Grissell. E E 1979. Monodontomerinae. Pages 759-764 in K. V. Krombein. P. D. llurd, Jr., D. R. Smith, and B. D. Burks (eds.), Catalog of lly-menoptera in America north of Mexico. Vol. I, Symphyta and Apocrita (Parasitica). Smithsonian Institute Press, Washington, D. C. xvi + 1198 p. (ec).

•Griswold. Charles Louis. 194S. Bnlk rearingof Scoly-tu.s multistriatus Marsh, and llylurgopinus ru-fipcs Eich. United States Department of Agricul-ture, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine ET-252:l-5. ().

--1955. Recent devclopments in the study ofinsect

vectors of the oak wilt disease organism. Entomo-logical Society of America, North Central Branch, Proceedings i0:23-24 (cn ec).

--1956. Transmission of the oak wilt fungus by Pseu-

dopityophtliorus minutissimus (Zimm). Journal of Economic Entomology 49(4):560-561. (ec).

Ghiswold. Charles Louis. andG J. Bart. 1954. Transmission of Endoconidiophora fagaccannn by Pseudopityoplithorus pruinosus. Plant Disease Reporter 38:591. (ec).

Criswold. Charles Louis, and R B.Neiswakder. 1953. Insect vectors of oak wilt fungus. Journal of Economic Entomology 46:708. (ec).

-- 1954. Insects iiwestigated as possible vectors in

oak wilt disease. Ohio Farm and Home Research 39:55. 62. (ec).

Croberman. L. J . and John Haryey Borden 1981. Be-havioral response of Dendroctonus pscudotsugac and Trypodcndron lincatum (Coleoptera: Scolyti-dae) to selected wavelength regions of the visible spectrum. Canadian Journal of Zoology 59(11): 2159-2165. (bv).

__1982. Electrophysiological response of Dendroctonus pscudotsugac and Ips paraconfusus (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) to selected wavelength regions ol the visi!>le spectrum. Canadian Journal of Zoology 60(9):2180-2189. (aybv).

Grocholski. Jan. Jacek Michalski, and Wojciech Nowak. 1976. Notes on intraspecific variation and sexual dimorpliism of some Palaearctic species in the genus Hylastcs Er. (Col., Scolytidae). Acta Zoologiea Cracoviensia 21(17):553-584. (ay tx).

__ 1977. Kilka uwago morfologii i rozsiedleniu zakorka brunatnego. Hylastcs brunneus Er. (Coleoptera, Scolytidae) [Some notes on the morphology and occurrence of the brown pine bark beetle, Hylastcs brunneus Er.). Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 47(4):703-710. (ay tx).

Grocholski. Jan. Jacek Michalski. Wojciech Nowak, and M PusiEWiCZ. 1978. Anomalie budowy męskich aparatów kopulacyjnych Hylastcs ater Payk. i H. attenuatus Er. (Coleoptera, Scolytidae) [Anomaly in the structure of the małe copulatory organs of Hylastcs ater Payk. and //. attenuatus Er.]. Przegląd Zoologiczny 22(4):359-361. (ay tx).

♦Grocholski. Jan. and Wojciech Nowak 1974. Zmienność osobnicza i dymorfizm płciowy nietorych palearktycznych gartunkowz rodzaju Hylastcs Er. (Col., Scolytidae). Masznopis - praca magisterska, Inst. Ochr. Lasu AR Poznan. ().

♦CrohmaNN. 1821. Schadliche Forst-Insekten. Oko-liomische Neuigkeiten und Verbandlungen 5: 33-34. ().

Grollnicc. 1952. Borkenkafergefabr in Karnten. Karnt-ner Bauer 101:796-797. (en).

Gronberc. Gusta 1914. Margborren, en fara for vara Norrlandsskogar. Skogen 1:185-198. (bb).

Cronnow. U 1948. Zu: erkenntnisse und erfahrungen bci der Borkenkaferbckampfung 1948 und ihre auswertung. Forstwirtschaft- Holzwirtschaft 2: 301-302. (cn).

Crosciike. Franz 1952a. Der schwarze Nutzholz-borkenkafer, Kylosandrus germanus Blandf., ein in Deutschland neu eingcschlcppter Schadling. Merkblatt, lnstitut fur Angewandte Zoologie, Munchen. 3 p. (bb tx).

__19521>. Der schwarze Nutzholzborkenkafer, Xy-

losandrus germanus Blandf., ein neuer Schadling in Deutschland. Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Entomologie 34(2):297-302. (cn hb).

__I953a. Der “schwarze nutzholzborkenkafer” eine

neue gefahr fur forstwirtschaft, obst- und weinbau. Anzeiger fur Schadlingskunde 26:81-84. (hb tx).

__19531). Zur Lebensweise und Bekainpfungs-

moglichkeit des Eichenkei nkafers Platypus cylin-drus Fabr. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Angewandte Entomologie 12: 103-1 OS. 0-

__1953c. Zur Ubcrwinterung und Cenerationenzahl

von Kylutcrussignatus FBR (Goleop., Scolytidae). Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Entomologie 34(3): 461-462. (hb).

__ 1954a. Der schwarze Nutzholzborkenkafer Xy-

losandrus gennanus Blandf., ein neuer Schadling


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