Gbeat Basin Natura list Memoirs
Johnson. Willis Grant 1901. Summary 139th meeting of the society, 1 December 1898. Entomological Society of Washington, Washington, D.C., Pro-ccedings 4:342-345. (ds).
•JoilNSTON. A 1963a. Hust list of insccts recorded in the south east Asia and Pacific region. Coffea spp. Technical Documcnt, FAO Plant Protection Com-mittee, Southeast Asia. Bangkok, Nr. 25. 9 p. (multigraph). ().
* __ 1963b. Słephanoderes hampei Ferr. in Tahiti [ln
English and French). Information Letter, FAO Plant Protection Committee, Southeast Asia, Bangkok, 23. 4 p. ().
* __1964. Host list of insccts recorded in the south east
Asia and Pacific region. Uevca brasiliensis. Rubber. Technical Documcnt, FAO Plant Protection Committee, Southeast Asia Bangkok, Nr. 7, (pt. 2):4-8, multigraph. ().
Johnston. Blair D., and Keith N Slesser 1979. Facile synthcsis of the enantiomers of sulcatol. Canadian Journal ofChemistry 57(2):233-235. (bv ms).
Johnston. II R 1952. Insect controh practical methods for the control of insects attacking green logs and lumber. Southern Luniberinan lS4(2307):37-39. (cn).
__ 1956. Control of bark beetles in stored pine pulp-
wood. Association of Southern Agricultural Work-ers, Proceedings 53:130-131. (cn).
Johnston. II H . and J F Coyne. 1954. Tests for the prcvention and control ofcngravcr beetles in pine pulpwood, logs, and trees. Association of Southern Agricultural Workers, Proceedings 51:99-100. (cn).
Johnston, H. R.. and Romuald Joseph Kowal. 1949. New insecticides for the prevention of attaek by ambrosia beetles on logs and lumber. Southern Lumberman 179(2249): 183-188. (cn).
Johnston. John Robert 1939 Enfermedades y plagas de insectos (jue atacan los pinos en Guatemala. Cuatemala. Escuela Nacional Central de Agricul-tnra, Secretaria de Educacion Publica. (cn).
* -- 1942. Diseases and insect pests of pine trees in
Cuatemala. American Science Congress (1940), Proceedings 8:245-250. ().
Joly. R. 1949a. Les bostryches [Bark beetles of the family Scolvtidae]. Rcvue du Bois et ses Applications 4(1):7-13. (echb).
--1919b. Notę sur les bostryches. Revue Forestiere
Francaise 1949(6):253-25S. (cn ds).
-- 1950. Les bostryches des bois feuillus. Revue du
Bois et ses Applications 5(2):9-12. (hb).
-- 1953. Degats en profondeur dans les grumes. Re-
vue du Bois et ses Applications S(4):3-7. (cn hb).
-- 1955. L’evolution des populations d’insectes et la
protection des forets. Revue Forestiere Francaise 5:430-435. (cn).
-- 1956. Problcme der forstlichen Entomologie.
Anzeigerfur Schadlingskunde 29:191-193. (cn).
-- 1960. Additions a la faunę des \ylophages du
noyer. lmportance du problcme. Revue Forestiere Francaise 12(l):35-43. (hbds).
* --1961. Les Scolytidae. In: Ennemiset maladiesdes
forets et du bois mis en oeuvre. Journees d etudes et d’informations C.N.R.A. Versailles, 16-17 Novembrc 1961. Collection Phytosanitaire. ().
-- 1968. L’extension en Europę dc Gnatlwtńchus materuuius Fitch (Coleuptere Sculytidae) [The e.\tention through Europę of GnathotricJius materia rius ]. Comptes Rendu I łebdomadaires des Seances de l Academic d’Agriculture de France 54(7):50S-511. (ds).
--1976. Les insectes ennemies des pins. Volume 1.
Ecole nationale du Genie Rural, des eau.\ et des Forets: Centre de Nancy. 222 p. (cn hb).
Joly. R., and M Perik)T. 1978. Les problemes poses par la recrudescencc des attaques de scolytides dans les forets resineuses francaises. Revue Forestiere Francaise 30( 1):37—11. (cn).
"Jonajtis. V P . AND P A ZaJANCKAUSKAS. 1969. Insects living in young Norway spruce stands in Lithuania [In Russian, Litbuanian, English suinmaries]. Li-etmos TSR Mokslu akademijos darbai, C Serija I969(3):69-76. ().
JONDELIUS. Bo 1971. Ungskogsrojningar faktoren av betydelse [The fight against Myelophilus pini-perda: important factors in cleaning; rcduce smali timber and inerease merchantable timber; pre-vent dainage after cleaning]. Pages 42-43 in B. Jondelius, S. O. Andersson, and F. Bergman, Skngsskvdd—mera om margborrekriget. Skogen 5S(2):42-47. (cn).
Jondelius. Bo. Bertil Lekander. II H Eidmann and E E DLL ND 1973. Some current problems of forest protection. 1. The State of forest protection today. U. Certain entomological aspects of forest pests. Ili. Ilylobius abietis. IV. Practical experi-ence in the control of Ips typofiraplms [ln Swedish, English summary]. Kongl. Skogs- och Lantbruksakadeniiens Tidskrift 112:297-320. (cn).
Jones. A S ,F L. Hastings. andC J Kislow 19S0. Eval-uatiun of 12 insecticides for remedial efficacy against Southern pine beetle adults. Journal of Economic Entomolog)* 73(5):736-73S. (cn).
Jones. Dan Herbert 1911. Scolytus rugulosus as an agent in the spread of hacterial blight in pear trees. Pbytopathology 1:155-158. (ec).
Jones. Georce D . and John E Ford 1952. The turpen-tine beetle in Nortli Carolina. Nortb Carolina State College of Agriculture and Engineering (Raleigh), Extension Folder 91. 4 p. (cn ds).
__ 1953. Southern pine beetle. Nortb Carolina State
College of Agriculture and Engineering (Raleigh), E\te»sion Folder 100. 6 p. (cn).
__ 1954. Ips engravcr beetle. North Carolina State
College of Agriculture and Engineering (Raleigh), Extension Folder 10S. 6 p. (cn ms).
‘Jones. Georce D . and H E Scott 1959. Tree pests on farm and borne plantings. Nortb Carolina State College of Agriculture and Engineering (Raleigh), E.\tension Leaflet 39. 4 p. ().
Jones. P 1977. The spread of Dutch elm disease. Town and Country Planning 45:4S2-4S5. (cn ec ds).
Jones. RobertC . and William A Brindley. 1970. Tests of eight rearing media for the mountain pine beetle Deiulroctonus ponderosae (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), from lodgepole pine. Entomological Society of America. Annals 63:313-316. (hb ms).
Jones. T W. and W R Phelps. 1972. Oak wilt. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Pest Leaflet 29. 7 p. (ec).