Great Bas in Natura list M emoirs
No. 11
Austin State Univc*r
sity. Nacogdoches, Tc\as. .30
1>- ()•
Gaumkk. CrantC.. and Robert 1\iheC\ha 1967. Ełlocts nf plikiem temperaturę mul moistiire ccmtent on deve!opinent ol tlu* Southern pim* beetle. Boyee Thompson Institutc lor Plant Research. Contribn-tion.s 23(1l):373-378. (ec).
GaUMTZ. C li 1928. Coleoptera fran Sorsele soeken av Leekscle Lappmark. Entomologisk Tidskrilt 19. 84-92. (ils).
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__1968. Ein neuer Nadelholzborkenkafcr in
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__1971. Eingeschlepter nutzliolzhorkenkafer
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Gauss. R. and G Wellenstein. 1950. Borkenkafer in Fichtenkulturen. Forstarehiv 21:23-25. (eeds).
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GAUTHEAU. E. J 1974 Forest inseets eolleeteil in Kananaskis Forest Experiment Station area 1948-1971. Canada Department of the Environ-ment, Canadian Forestry Serviee, Northern Forest Research Centre, Information Report NOR-X-88. 21 p (ils).
Gautkeau. E J andJ C. E Melyin. 1974. Forest inseets colleetec! in Waterton National Park, 194S-I974. Canada Department of the Em ironment. Canadian Forestn Serricc, Northern Forest Research Centre. Information Report NOR-X-120. 37 |). (ds).
Gavelis. V M . AND B Yu. Jakaitis 1981. The attraction of various speeies of hark-heetles with methyl-butenol. eis-verbenol, ipsedienol and mi.Nturcs of these pheromones (In Russian, English sum-marvl. Kbemoretseptsiva Nasekomykh 6:115-120.'(bv).
Gavelis. V M . B. Yu Jakaitis. and V V.\lenta 1984. Faktory, vlivayuslieh na koliehestro privlekae-mykh attraktantami zhukov koroeda-tvpograła (Ips typographus L.) [Factors inllueneing the nuinher of attraeted bark beetles of Ips typogra-phtts L.). Khemoretseptsiia Nasekomykh 8: 82-85. (ocen).
Gayelis. \’ M. and V Y \lenta 1976. Zie\ egraugio tipo-grafo (Ips typographus L.) isgravzu ir is ju isskirtu medziagu atraktwumas (The attractiveness of frass produced by the bark beetle Ips typographus L. and substanccs isolated from the beetles]. Acta Entomologica Lituanica 3:57-60. (bv ee).
*G.\walów. J 1924. Noeh etwas uher Borkenkafer (In Russian]. "Krassny Klim *, Nr. 106. ().
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G.w Clai de. 1852. Mistoriea lisica y politica de Chile segun doeumentos adijniridos en e.sta republica durantc doce anos de residencia en clla y publi-eada bajo los auspieios del supremo gobierno (Seolytidae, p. 426-429]. Parisy Chile. Vol. 5, 563 p. (tx).
Gay. Francis Joskwj 1955. Common names of inseets and allied lorms oceurring in Australia. Common* wealth Scientifie and hulnstrial Research Organi-zation, Australia, Bulletin 275. 32 p. (t.\).
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allied lorms oceurring in Australia. Common-wealtli Scientifie and Industrial Organization, Australia, Bulletin 285. 25 p. (t.\).
Gaylek. W 1951. Taunensehadlinge in den Jahren 1947-1950. Allgeineine Forstzeitsehrift 6:379-381. (en hb).
•Gebauer. A 1933. Wabrnehmungcn hei den letzten Sehnee u ud Windbriiehen im Sehleisehen Alt-vatergebitge. Sudetcndeiitsche Forst- und JagiIzeitu ng 33:1-4. ().
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•Cebii \ M)T. J G 1834. Die sehadliehsten Feld-, Walil-iind Obstbauminsekten. Fur Landwirte, Garten-besitzer und angehende Forstmanner. Cominis-sion der 1 lelwingsehen llolbuehhandlung, Han-nover. 77 p. ().
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’Geeh. Scott Foncek 1979. EITects of weather on flight of the Southern pine beetle, Demlroctonus fron-talis Zimni. (Coleoptera: Seolytidae). Unpub-lished tbesis, Stephen I4'. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, Texas. 105 p. ().
Geeh. Scirn Foncek. Jack E. Costek. and P C. Johnson 1981. EfTcets of weather on łlight activity of Southern pine beetle. Georgia Entomological So-ciety, Journal 16(3):272-2S2. (ec hb).
Geiiin. Joseimi Jean Baitiste. lS57a. Listę des especes de eolcopteres, ijui \ivent sur le Poirier (Pyms commuuis L.). Archives F.ntonK>logi<|iies 1:392. (ds).
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G Eli lik en. Unn. 19S4. Winter survival of an adult bark beetle Ips acuminatus Gyll. Journal of lnseet Physiology 30(5):421-429. (hb).
Geiikken. Unn. and Karl Eiuk Zaciiakiassen. 1977. Yariations in the cold-hardiness of hibernating l))s aeunńnatiisGyllenhal (Co!., Seolytidae)related to the sun exposure of the habitat. Norsk Entomolo-gisk Tidsskrift 24(2): 149-152. (ay hb).
Geiler. 11 1975. Pra.\is der inegrierten schadlings-bekampfung in agro-okosystemen. Biologisehe Rundschau 13:226-232. (cn ec).