Computer crime
1 Ouickly read the first two paragraphs of the text. What w Sven )aschan's crime?
1 He stole computers.
2 He created a Computer virus.
3 He used his Computer to steal millions of dollars.
Wskazówka maturalna

Rozwiązując test wielokrotnego wyboru, podkreśl w pytaniach wyrazy-klucze. Następnie poszukaj tych wyrazów w tekście. W ten sposób szybciej znajdziesz potrzebne informacje.
2 Choose the best answers.
1 How far did the virus spread? a Ali around Germany.
b Ali around the world.
c To japan, Hong Kong, Australia and the USA.
2 Why wasn’t Sven sent to prison? a Because he was too young.
b Because he wasn't found guilty. c Because he admitted his gulltto detectives.
3 How did he feel after he'd released the virus?
a At first he was frightened, then he was delighted. b He was delighted that he'd caused a lot of damage, but terrified that he might be caught. c At first he was delighted, then he became frightened.
4 How did the police catch hlm?
a One of his classmates told Microsoft about him. b Detectives came to his home to ask ąuestions. c The police offered a $250,000 reward.
5 How did Sven’s teachers react? ^
a They thoughtone ofSven’s classmates had created thevim b They were surprised because Sven wasn't the best student in information technology lessons. c They thought that Sven was clever enough to create the via
3 Match the ‘extreme' adjectives highlighted in the text with ti definitions below.
1 very important 4 very surprised 7 very bad
2 verybig 5 veryclever 8 verygood
3 very smali 6 very happy 9 veryscared
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