48145 musc dev051

48145 musc dev051

tion, bul progressive exercising will give you a fine muscular deveiopment, strength and robust health besides lhose few things which light exercises will bring you.

Place any athlcte who has trained properly alongside of a calcstlienic athlele and compare them. I don’t think you would be doubtful as to whose methods or advice to followT. So if you want a highly developed body leave li»ht exercise alone. Take this advice from one wno knows.

Cs If you are lacking in development in any part of your body or should you be the other extreme, over weight and carrying around with you excess fal that you would Ii ko to be rid of, why not start at oncc and make the most of yourself? Time spent in bene-fiting your body will never be regretted and will add years to your life—to say notiiing of liow encrgetic ii will make you feel. Are you energetie? Do you fecl like running or jumping, so to speak, all the timc? You should. If you do not, you have not the energy you should have and are not taking the proper exercisc—if you are exercising at all.

My System of Training

will give you the energy that only a real ullilele knows and it will change your personal appearance completely—you will look slrong and feel strony: and you will łie strong.

A glance at my photographs will convince you of the results of my system. If an instructor can show results on his own person, it is positively a good rceommendation of his methods of training. If I can acąuire the health and strength and physiąue that I have, you can do the same. As I said beforc. it is simply up to yourself.


My course is just the system you have been looking for. Nothing has been needed morę tlmn a personally directed, honest and intel-ligent course and it is just such a system that I ani offering. It was by my method that all the great strong men of the world de-veloped themselve.$ and gained their strength—this alone should impress you. This should positively convince you that you would be on the right track by taking my system. If $ullivan.

Apollo, Hyson, Jowett, Javierto, Stone and all the rest , used the progressive system and got file results they did —why not you? You linve just as much eliance as I had and you can perhaps accomplish much hetter results even than I did.

My course will teach you to know your body and you will learn how to develop each muscle so you can, if you



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