66890 ipe 31
15-Minute Program
The daily program of planned exercise lliat follows will give you maxinium rcsults in the shortest possible timc. The ideał arrangemenl is to cwercise ten minutes in the morning (you will feel better at work as an immcdiate rcsult l and five minutes before going to bcd (you will slecp better as an immcdiate result). If you much prefer to do all 15 minutes either in the morning or evcning, you may choose to do so.
Decidc what you want to accomplish, which parts of your body do you need particularly to devclop.
Using the Index as a guide, select a few exercises that meet your nceds. Start with a five-minute program cach day, doing the exercises of your choice. Add several exercises cach day until you arc doing a 15-minute daily totai.
Do not neglect the rclaxation period between exereises. They are as vital to the suecess of your program as the 10-second tension period. Prac-tice breath control writh evcry excrcise.
Vary the excrcises you do each day so that you get the benelit of all of them.
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