sive exposure to cold (air temperaturę 6°C) in lightly clad, resting subjects, aver-aging 15.5°C on the llth day. This hand skin temperaturę is about 5° lower Ihan that mcasured for six of our subjects dur-ing work.
In both climates the occupationally ex-posed group rated hand temperaturę as less cold than did the refercnts. The qucs-tion remains as to whether this reflects a difference in perception or in the use of the rating scalę per se belween the two groups. The subjects* previous experience of the stimulus dimension to be evaluated should be considered when different groups arc comparcd with verbal defini-tion scales. Ali the occupationally exposed subjects in this study had been repeatedly exposed to Iow hand temperatures, and this exposure could have conceivably re-sulted in a shift in the meaning attached to the verbal definitions used on the temperaturę scalę as comparcd to the refcr-ents’ responses.
Regardless of the level at which the subjects set their ratings, the referents showed a significantly greater change in perceived temperaturę in response to immersion at 10°C. No such differcnces were found at 20°C, and only the referents rated a greater drop in temperaturę in 10°C than in 20°C. Since there were no correspond-ing differences in mean hand temperaturę in response to immersion, it would seem reasonable to attribute these results to differences in experience with cold be-tween the groups. It can be hypothesized that a Iow ambient temperaturę to which subjects are unaccustomed has^^he effect of increasing the subjective reaction to local cooling in compartson with that of subjects accustomed to cold exposure.
Evidence of experimentally induced adaptation to cold pain has been shown in several studies (10, 15). Hellstróm (6) found a lower freąuency of pain reaction in out-door than in indoor workers within the same finger temperaturę rangę/ A similar, but nonsignificant, tendency was found in the present study between the two groups, although the cold immersion test was less severe than that usually used in studies of cold pain.
To summarizę. local cooling of the hands with occupational coTd exposure lir the present study was not severe enough to
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produce significant physlological adaptation. There vTas fiowever sorae eyidence of fTETychological adaptation to col3~~sFftSa-tion and pain among-Hflie cold-exposed workers studied.
This study was part of a project with the objective of studying the effect of work in a cold dimale on man. The project has been supported by grants from the Swc-dish Work Environment Fund (74/176).
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