sive campaign to cxtend its *wn mem-bcrship and also to intorost service dcalcrs in othcr northorn Indiana citios in forming associations. Dean R. Mock of the Elkhart association. who is vice-chairman of the Indiana Electronic Service Association, recently ofiered to meet with any group of dealers in northern Indiana cities to discuss licensing or any other subject of in-terest to the TV service industry.
Associations or dealers who are in-terested in contacting Mr. Mock can reach him at the following address: Dean R. Mock. Mock's TV d Appli-unces, 1823 North Michigan St., Elkhart. Indiana.
Now numbering fifteen member associations, the Buckeye State organ-ization is well on the road to setting a new association record for speedy growth. Associations now afTiliatcd in the TESA-Ohio association include:
TESA of Bellefontaine. 503 Eastern Ave.. Bellefontaine; TESA of Chilli-cothe, 87 South Brownell. Chillicothe; TESA of Cincinnati. 1901 Vine St.. Cincinnati; TESA of Cleveland. 5827 Turney Rd.. Cleveland; ARTSD of Columbus. 2552 North High St., Columbus; TESA of Dayton. 2020 West Third St., Dayton; TESA of Lorain County, 92 E. Broad St., Elyria; SORTTA of Ilillsboro, 634 North West St., Hills-boro; TESA of Middleton, 1426 Central Ave., Middleton; TESA of Sandusky, 245 East Market St.. Sandusky; TESA of Springfield, P. O. Box 851, Spring-J\nt Ovf field; ETAT of Toledo. P. O. Box 6658. Toledo; WREA of Warren. P. O. Box 966. Warren; TESA of Wilmington. 94 South Walnut, Wilmington; MVTVDA of Youngstown, 1742 Market St., Youngstown.
John P. Graham. 2552 North High St.. Columbus, is secretary of TESA of Ohio.
It is said there are morę than 375.-000.000 appliances currently in use in homes and that there could be a critical shortage of maintenance men to handle appliance servicing by 1960. The electric power companies, who have their fingers on the pulse of con-sumer needs for electrical repair serv-ices. are seriously concerned over the growing public irritation with the quality and charactcr of the service they sometimes get on appliance repa irs.
At a sales conference attended by morę than one-thousand appliance sales executives. four factors were cited as bottlenecks in providing the public with competent appliance service. There were: faulty design, lack of parts interchangeability. lack of propcr training of service personnel. and in-adequate customer instructions.
Many electronic service dealers have found that certain types of appliance servicing are both simple and profit-ablc. Electronic components are used in the automatic-control mcchanisms of many appliances. Dealers who solicit (Continued on page 144)
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