mathematical to some cxtcnt but in most instances the formulas have beon workcd out for the student.
While thosc with some early courses at an engineering level will profit most from this presentation. the serious ex-perimenter who has worked with tran-sistors will have no difficulty in deriv-ing considerable benefit from this ex-position.
• • *
"ADDITIONAL 1959 TELEVISION SERVICING INFORMATION** com-piled by M. N. Beitman. Published by Supreyne Publications, Highland Park, 111. 192 pages. Price $3.00. Soft cover. Vol. TV-16.
This latest service handbook in this publisher’s series follows the same format as its predecessor volumes. Diagrams are printed across two pages with information on alignment. wave-forms, voltage salues, parts descrip-tions, printed board views. and Circuit revisions included.
This volume covers television recciv-ers from fifteen manufacturers and a variety of chassis and model numbers, which are indexed separately in the back of the book. Those who have found these manuals helpful in the past in speeding service jobs will welcome this new volume which covers addi-tional receivers in the set makers’ 1959 lines.
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‘•RADIO CIRCUITS" by W. E. Miller, revised by E.A.W. Spreadbury. Published by lliffe d Sons Ltd., London. 170 pages. Price by mail 15s./10 d.
This is the fourth edition of a popular radio treatise which has earned a wide and enthusiastic following in Eng-land. It covers, in simple language and progressive style, all of the various cir-cuits to be encountered in radio receiv-ers.
The author discusses each stage of the receiver, piece by piece, and ex-plains it without the complication of associated circuitry. In the eight years sińce the third edition madę its ap-pearance there have been enough new techniques and components devcloped to warrant this revised and up-to-date version.
The text is divided into 38 chapters which cover superhet principles, an-tenna input circuits, tuned input stage. bandpass coupling, r.f. amplifier stage, frequency converters, oscillators. i.f. amplifiers, a.g.c. principles, delayed a.g.c, a.f. amplification. push-pull circuits, loudspeaker arrangements, a.c. power supplies, a.c.-d.c. supplies. a.c.-battery portables, tonę control circuits, negative feedback, phono reproduction. transistor receivers, auto radios. FM receivers and circuitry. AM/FM receiv-ors, etc.
We do not believe that the English terminology will prove confusing to U. S. readers sińce the exposition is elear and detailed throughout. The materiał itself is so well presented that this text might serve as a basie sourcc book for "beginning radiomen" as well as students. ~Xh
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The book that keeps growing in usefulness and popularity
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Partial List of Contents:
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Unijunction Transistor Circuits Silicon Controłled Rectifier Tetrode Transistors Power Supplies Transistor Specificotions Rectifier Specificotions
General Electric Company Semiconductor Products Dept., Section S58109, Electronics Park, Syracuse, N. Y.
Rush me the new enlarged 4th Edition of the General Electric Transistor Monual. I enclose $1.00. (No stamps, pleose.)
October. 1959