CI campaigns seek to achieve real changes in government policy and corporate behaviour. wtiilst raising awareness of
consumer riglits and responsibilities
Current campaigns. projects and key issues inchide:
Junk Food Generation
The campaign against the marketing of unheahhy food to children. Campaign higliliglus and publications inchide: Left wanting morę; New media, same old tricks; Cereal offences; The junk food trap; International Codę on the marketing of food and non-alcoholic beverages to cliildren; World Consumer Riglits Day 2008 and 2009 Marketing Overdose
The campaign against the unethical promotion of dnigs. Campaign higliliglus and publications inchide: Drugs, doctors and diiuiers. Brandingthe cure, World Consumer Riglits Day 2007 Access to knowledge (A2K)
This projecł facilitates die global consumer dialogue and education network ab out Access to Knowledge (A2K). Project higliliglus and publications include:
• Launch of the Intellectually Property (IP) Watch List - a global snapshot of how IP and copyright laws serve or subvert consumer interests
Financial crisis - Consumer Solutions to the financial fix Issue progress inchides:
• Submission of a position paper to the OECD Committee for Consumer Policy for its discussion on the strategie response to tlie global financial and economic crisis.
• Submission to the UN General Assembly on Reforms of International Monetary and Financial system. Corporate social responsibility and standards
CI has represented consumers on many committees of the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) tlirougli the years. Current participation at die ISO includes:
• Working towards ISO 26000 - a new standard tliat is very important because it will set out how organisations, włiich claim they are socially responsible in their working practices, give feedback toconsumers.
The Real Deal
This series of features higlilight unethical and inisustainable behaviour by corporations and governments. as part of CI's ongoing work on sustainable consumption. Features inchide: unethical behaviour of intemational hotel chains; e-waste: West Africa contimies to drown in the rich world's obsolete electronics; The liidden cost of mobile phones; Just coffee
2) CARE International
CARE is a leading relief and development non-governmental organization figliting global poverty. Non-political and non-sectarian, we operate eacli year in morę dian 70 countries in Africa. Asia. Latin America, tlie Middle East and Eastem Europę, reaching almost 60 million people in poor communities.
CARE lielps tackle imderlying causes of poverty so tliat people can become self-sufficient. CARE is often one of the first to deliver emergency aid to survivors of natura) disasters and war and. once the immediate crisis is over. we help people rebuild their lives. Wliile CARE is a large intemational organisation with 1Z000 employees worldwide. we have a strong local presence: 97% of our Staff are nationals of the countries wliere our programmes are run.
Our Yision
Ali of CARE Intemationars member organizations share a common vision to figlit against worldwide poverty and to protect and enłiance human digiiity:
"We seek a world of hope, tolerance and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and people live in dignity and security. CARE will be a global force and partner of choice witliin a worldwide movement dedicated to ending poverty. We will be known everywłiere for our unshakeable commitment to the dignity of people."
In this context, emergency relief is an important part of CAREs mandate sińce natural and manmade disasters can drive otherwise self-sustainingpopulations into poverty and can often eradicate years of development work. CARE pays particular attention to die marginalized members of society and those least able to defend themselves. especially women and children.
Our Mission
CARE s mission is to serve individuals and families ui the poorest communities in the world. Drawing strengdi from our global diversity. resources and experience, we promote innovative Solutions and are advocates for global responsibility. We promote lasting change by:
1. Strengthening capacity for self-help
2. Providing economic opportiuiity
3. Delivering relief in emergencies
4. Influencing policy decisions at all levels
5. Addressing discrimination in all its forms
Guided by the aspirations of local communities. we pursue our mission with both excellence and compassion because the people whom we serve deserve nothing less.