Diagnosis and deyelopment trends

similar to the average value in Poland (Figurę 1), and these two regions significantly exceeded it (Dolnośląskie Voivodeship by 14.7% and Wielkopolskie Voivodeship by 5.3%). The situation in the rest of Western Poland is somewhat different. Lubuskie Voivodeship, Opolskie Voivodeship and Zachodniopomorskie Voivodeship reached a significantly lower level of GDP per capita (over 80% of the national average and around 50% of EU average) and a lower ratę of growth251.261

Map 2. Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita    Chart 1. Gross domestic product per capita by

expressed in purchasing power parity (PPP) by NUTS 2    voivodeships - relative deviation from the average ualue

regions, 2010®    in the country in 2009 and 2011

The projection of GDP per capita for Western Poland indicates that the two speeds of development of Western Poland will continue, and the threshold of 75% of GDP per capita of EU-27 in 2020 will be exceeded only by Dolnośląskie Voivodeship and Wielkopolskie Voivodeship271. Also, only in the case of these two voivodeships there are projections of an increase in the importance of their economies in 28 In 2011, the GDP generated in Western Poland accounted for 26% of total national GDP, Wielkopolskie Voivodeship and Dolnośląskie Voivodeship belonged to the leading voivodeships with the largest shares in GDP (respectiyely 9.3% and 8.6%).

261 % of average for EU-27, EU-27=100 (the difference in percentage points between 2009 and 2000, compared to the average for EU-27).

271 with average growth ratę in the European Union at the level of 1.5 - 2.5%. Lewandowska-Gwarda K., Ekspertyza dotycząca projekcji PKB per capita (wg PPS) na poziomie województw (NUTS-2) oraz wybranych podregionów (NUTS-3) do 2020 roku wraz z analizą konsekwencji ewentualnych zmian klasyfikacji NUTS dla polityki spójności po 2020 roku, 2011.


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