53305 s&h 084
book you will find esereises espeeially ar-rauged to oyereome tbat defect. But bere is sometbing so siraple tbat it is wortb trying by most people:
Take au ordinary cane or walking-stick and grasp it by botb ends—one band at eaeb end. Baise it above tbe bead, drop it back as far as it will go, bring it back to a point oyer tbe bead and tben return it to its origi-nal position. Tbis can be done many times, and it will barć a wondcrfully good effect on tbe lungs, as well as tbe neck.
Suppose you are troubled witb indiges-tion, constipation, or tbat your lirer is slug-gisb. (Jo to a doctor if you like, and you will probably get medicines, wbicb, if you take enough of theni, will disarrange your stornach. If you have tbe desire to cure yourself and stay cured, bero is one exercisc wbicb may be taken in conncction witb tbe others wbicb I bave illustrated:
Lie on tbe floor upon your back, and, witb-out moving tbe legs, raise tbe body to a sit-
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s&h 076 TG STRENGTH AND HEALTH If you are inclined to licart trouble, nevex* entirely submerge the b33912 s&h 020 STRENGTII AND HEALTH gencies of life, antl iu ihis work I propose to tell Lim how to ds&h 020 STRENGTII AND HEALTH gencies of life, antl iu ihis work I propose to tell Lim how to do it iPractical Tips In this chapter, you will find different pattern shapes, a way to convert patter45989 s&h 143 STRENGTH AND HEALTH 14 THE HKIDGE For a bark and neck dereloper there are few inoTcmen20241 s&h 127 127 STRENGTH AND HEALTH CtłEST AND BACK—No. 2 Itaise the body up nith effort, nsing (l67486 s&h 129 STRENGTH AND HEALTH 129 BACK AND STOMACH—No. 1 For a weak bark or a stornach tliat is44955 s&h 165 STRENGTII AND HEALTH 165 BREATHTNO—Xo. 1 Bear in mind tbat thc inaportant thing iu bre46818 s&h 008 s STRENGTH AND HEALTH tlie books wbicli Lear liis Łmprint harc met with sucli astonish47782 s&h 113 STRENGTH AND HEALTH 113 TilE WEIGHT LIFT The aet of performing an imagiuary feat nppea56160 s&h 080 80 STRENGTIT AND HEALTH gradually workeel down war<1 front the shoul-der or the lii56541 s&h 141 STRENGTH AND HEALTH 141 BALANCING Tliis is not as bard as it looks, aml all it uceds i73232 s&h 009 STKENtfTII AND HEALTH !) A book of tlii« cliaracter is just as iinpo29405 s&h 155 STRENGTH AND HEALTH 155 W AlST KXERCISE—No. 3 Stand ercet, witli tlie a nas at right a33502 s&h 167 STRENGTH AND HEALTH 167 miEATIIING—No. 2 Prom tlie preced ing p<*sition step forwar48012 s&h 149 149 STRENGTH AND HEALTH UKSISTANCK Soi ze tlić riglit liand willi tlie left mul en-dois&h 003 Strength and Health HO W DISEASE MAY BE SUCCESSFULLY COMBATED BY PHYS1CAL CULTURE BYV I IC 1więcej podobnych podstron