This community of interests expanding into a larger sphere, led also to the initiation of closer relations with otlier South-Eastern European States, both those which had already acąuired their independence and those which were still fighting to gain their national freedom. 1
In promoting this policy of rapprochement, M. M. ObrenoYitsh, the ruling pnnce of Serbia, in a message to Alexandru Ioan Cuza, the ruling prince of the United Principalities, stressed the role and the importance of steadily strengthening the Romanian-Serbian relations, in these words : ** ... a yoir resserrćs nos liens personnels et d’amitió et plus efficaces les rapports qui existent dój a entre les Principautós-Unies et la Serbie, de meme qu’a contribuer au bien etre et au progrós des peuples ...”2 Referring to the support awarded by the Principalities on the occasion of the transport of Serbian weapons across the Romanian territory, the Serbian Prince also emphasized : “Sa conduite <de Cuza> sanctionna les relations amicales des deux peuples que tant d’intćrets communs rendent solidaires ...”3
In his tura, the prince of the United Principalities pointed out the importance of the Romanian-Serbian relations, quoting the firm stand adopted in the question of the Serbian weapons : “Si cette situation prósentait quelque danger pour moi, au moins trouYais-je, en secondant les vues de V. A. S. (le Prince rógnant de Serbie), d’une prócieuse occasion d’affirmer 1’indópendance intórieure de la Roumanie et d’apprócier les puissantes sympathies qui nous sont acquises”.4 5 6
The progressiYe Erench press, recording the real situation reigning in South Eastern Europę, confirmed : “La YÓritable sagesse consiste ... 4 faYoriser toutes les tentatiYes de gouYernement qui se font en orient” ; 7 and reeommended the policy to be pursued by Eranee underlining the leading role played by the Romanian State in the driYe for political freedom in this part of Europę : “Aucun óvónement ne saurait donc intóresser la politique franęaise a un plus haut degró, que les essais de gouYernement autonome qui se font a cette heure sur le bas Danube. La Roumanie semble chargee aujourd’hui de rópondre a cette question Yitale pour 1’Occident tout entier : Les populations chrótiennes de la Turquie d’Eu-rope sont-elles en ótat de se gouYerner elles-memes? Nous croyons qu’en
8 The Greek and the Bulgarian people, see p. 180, infra.
The Serbian Pnnce to th* Prince of the United Principalities, Belgrade, August 13/25, 18G2, Library of the Academy of the Socialist Repubhc of Romania (henceforward ąuoted : Library of the Academy) MS section, Cuza Archwes, vol. X, sheet 267*.
The Serbian Pnnce to the Prince of the United Principalities, Belgrade, October 14, 1863,
loc. cit., vol. XLVII, sheet 48r.
4 Pnnce of the United Principalities to the Serbian Pnnce, Bucharest, January 31/Februa-
Ty 11, 1863, loc. cit., vol IV, sheet 88r —88®.
• See “Opinion Nationale”, February 2, 1865.