

'.D.Turakhia/scicnce/F. Y J.C/Chcmisu>'/22.10.! 3

).l. Sclcct and writc the most appropriate answcr from the givcn altcmativcs foreach sub-qucstion.    (16)

1.    At STP 2gm of helium gas occupics a volume of_dm\

a. 22.4    b.112    c.5.6    d.2

2.    Alkaline caith mctals are placcd in which group of periodic tablc.

a. 1    b.2    c. 3    d. 4

3.    A substancc that gain electron is_.

a. an oxidizing agent b. a rcducing agent c. a substancc that oxidizes d. rcdact ant

4.    Atom is smallest particie of_.

a. Compound    b. Substance c. Mixturc d. Element

5. The atoms of metal lose electron to form_.

a. anion    b. non-metal c. ałkali metal    d. cation

6.    Which of the following is not the criterion of purity of a substance?

a. Solubility b.Melting point    c. Boiling point    d. Dcnsity

7.    The common name ofCHj-CH -CHj group is_.

a. n-propyl b. Isopropyl    c. Methyl d. Sec-Buty!

8.    Oxidation stale of N in N2 is_.

a. 0    b. I    c. 2    d.3

9.    The moleeular formula of nonane is_.

b. C^Hjj

c. CflHjo

d. CioHjj


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