JUL rcadcr should not misunderstand me and think that t condcmn all games. sporu, and plays. In order to rcliev» thcm from this thought. I will explain thc
Tin OISK THKOUCK. Oramitfraln J fUn tC) < errregr i brnij. The Jrem n-in •fnm«k «i fildinh tem, Na rurn ar o*rr-drrtioprd mm w te i tan be tern.
meaning of physical education. as it should be taught today in our modern twcntieth Cen-tury schools. colleges, and other institutions of learning.
In the year 2000 B. C.. the Gtecians in-dulged in plays. but COMPETITION was not known. Only the strong indulged in the gamcswhich had nothing to do with the developmcnt of healrh. for again I will stale that only the already healthy wcre pickcd out for the show. and the rest wcre spccta-tors. looking on and admiring thc sporu played by the physical giants. thcir broth-ers. These attaincd thcir physical perfection by clean living. fresh air. proper walking. and sensible human exercise. The