Captain Rodrigues has taken Columbus by storm. and ilur good of hi* work can be wn in the crowda chai fołlow him.
—Columbus Dnpauh.
Captain Rodnguc* position i* logical. His own magnificcnt phy.iique prom it.—Nathuille Banner.
Doctor*, lawym. judgcs. mother*. fathcrs. all wttt in linę fol* lowing Captain Rodrigues. It was a holiday for Kansas City.
—Kantat City Star.
Captain Rodrigues has bccotne a yaluablc acquaintance to a host of Atlanteans during tlK past weck.—Atlanta Journal.
The world'* finest chest bclongs to Captain Rodrigues
—Milwaukee Journal.
The Timet-Star introduces you to Captain Godfrcy Rodrigues. world* famous Health crusader. teacher of physical education. renówned world traveler bcdcckcd with a score of medals and honors — famous as an exponcnt of the art of walking.—Cinannati Ttmet-Star.
Thou&ands of men and women in the city know how to walk propcrly today w ho learned to do to during the past wcck through the instruction givcn by Capt. Rodrigues.
—Times. Washington. O. C.
Captain Rodrigues' physical appcarance and stridc provc his theory that Health and strrngth may be had without the use of expen-sive paraphernalia. that only fresh air and correct posturę are nceded.
—Kantat City Star.
Morę (han a hundrrd thouund people in and around Phiiadclphia hcard Capt. Rodrigues explam his health theories. City ofiitials praised him; 5.000 Elk* rosę to their fect and applaudcd him for three minutę* beforc hc could start speaking. Dr. E. M. Bartlett. cxalted ruler of the Elks. cscorted Opt. Rodrigues through the crowded lodgc room. while the drill teams of the, Elks. rrsplcndcnt in their gay uniform*, stood guard.—Phtladelphta Bullettn. April 6. 1928.