cp 42
ID I hc.u somc ono say "cxercise"—sports. albletics? Lot us sco what tboy moan. Surcly. yon say. tbis man isn't going to condcmn exerciso and athlotios. Am U Just you listcn. I II givc credit wbore it is duo. but I can t
Poor tttfjmng bumamty' l.ike ihr lum numer trutni hu Kont thn hurnun Jerriek JfmanJt muide itrength from ihett youngtlrrt’ boji et mtleuJ of m/tliting itrrngth for gromlh.
toach you a thing worth wbiło until I'vc gotton some falla-cious idcas out of your hoad. idcas tbat aro as old as those which condomnod pooplc to doatb as witchcs.
You say oxorcisc is tho thing. Do you rcally boliooe tbat? Do you think that artificial, unnatural cxcrcise is neccs-sary to long lifo. and that it will prevcnt tho groatost of killcrs of modern limes, tho respiratory discases (tuborculosis. pnoumonia. influenza i and the dcgcnerative discases (heart,
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cp 08 POSTURĘ AND HEALTH lly Arnold H. Kegel. M. D. CommiMionrr of Health. Chicago. III. OOD POSTURĘcp 66 DOCTORS AND HEALTH must also bc rccognizcd by my rcaders th.it sickness amongst physiciartsl- dT A • gdz Cp 1 - n T R Tr gdzie: Vs 1 0,98 - gradient suchoadiabatyczny temperatury, R - uniwers73227 P3040987 5.5. Nośność betek Asymetrycznych, homogenicznych środnik przekroju: = SOraiSi M) = 442 (259) -5- pO 3434RE-25 Hc is responsible for ninning thc Tech Unit and ensuring that the RPF membAlcorMP 6 Setrp Isfo Modę AtfloRuaMPMoó* C«p*rty SetupJdi J[di SddlJ ID 0*Htlp. Płetw pe««cp 22 ing machines to soli or advertisc. in fact ho has uttcrly nothing to sell. What bc has to giveSDC12774 Mox Hc -e^ocx Kfs ^tWŁłC *■ a1 v t-J (Osjb-JĆ < żywo,* - U™S&. -(0 nr ^ rSDC12774 Mox Hc -e^ocx Kfs ^tWŁłC *■ a1 v t-J (Osjb-JĆ < żywo,* - U™S&. -(0 nr ^ rDSC04806 403 Section 5.2 Exercises (b) The sample result x is an unbiased estimator of the populatioSDC12774 Mox Hc -e^ocx Kfs ^tWŁłC *■ a1 v t-J (Osjb-JĆ < żywo,* - U™S&. -(0 nr ^ rscandjvutmpef 01 7I. 7 tu chrze - id - ja - nie ze - bra - ni spo - leni, przed Zbcp 26 honor. Hc delivcrcd a talk on thc value of Health and relatcd some of his various wandcring* as&h 153 STRUNO Tli AND HEALTH 153 WAIST EXEJICISE—No. 2 Too much attenlion oannot be pa id to theses&h 153 STRUNO Tli AND HEALTH 153 WAIST EXEJICISE—No. 2 Too much attenlion oannot be pa id to thesewięcej podobnych podstron