ing machines to soli or advertisc. in fact ho has uttcrly nothing to sell. What bc has to give is simply trutb — simple natura! facts. so elear tbat they have been casily missed and long ovcrlookcd.
So tbat you may know and fecl. right here in tbe begin-ning of this remarkable trulh of naturę, as told you by
The Chief of the Se* Jer tej State Poliee inritei Capt. Re*Jrig*et. "So proof ii neeetrory, Captairi. AU t MMId like to kooo ii how yom do ii." w»ł hit ^r*ł oord*. Sotne the Iwo tlale trooperi; left ineaereet; right almotf eorreet. estept the head j* held Ino tiiffly.
Captain Rodrigues bimself. that this man may be bclicvcd, is really bonest, straight. true. and that be stands four-squarc on his policy of giving out freely to the world without thought of personal profit, rcad here what others. whose opinions are really worth while, have to say of him.