

Measure a strip of 3" wide Kinesio Tape appro\j. mately the same length as used in the first Jayer. Begin byplacing the base slightly medialiy and interior to the first strip.

Have the patient move into as much hip flexiona« is allowcd. Angle the strip over the iscial tuberosify and over the area of pa in applying 25-50 % ofavajj. able tension.

With the patient in hip flexion have them also moveinto lateral bending to the opposite side. Lay down the remaining length of Kinesio Tape.

Initiate glue acfivation prior to any further patient movement.

For the opposite side, repeat the above steps.

W A f

Measure a strip of 2" wide Kinesio Tape approsd-mately the same length as used in the first layer. Begin by placing the base slightly medialiy and superior to the second strip.

Have the patient move into as much hip flexion as is allowed. Angle the strip over the iscial tuberosity and over the area of pain applying 25-50 % ofavail-able tension.

Initiate glue activation prior to any further patient m ovement

Application of a space correction using a Kinesio I strip. For complete reyiew see space correction application techniąue modified 1 strip.

Begin the base of a 2 or 3" (depending upon patient size) Kinesio I strip 10-12 inches in length in the coccyx region with no tension.

Have the patient move into as much hip flexion as possible. Apply 25-50 % of available tension to the Kinesio I strip over the area of pain. Lay down the last 2-3 inches with no tension.

This strip may be modified by applying the 25-50 % available tension to the center of the Kinesio I strip with application directly over the area of pain.

Initiate glue activation prior to any further patient movement.

The finał strip is applied by repeating the above step.

The practitioner may determine that one, two, three or all four strips are appropriate. Size, activity, patient strength level, and clinical condition along with practitioner experience will determine the appropriate taping application.



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