difliculty is ihat the first half of ihe versc rcmains hanging in Ihc abscnce of a verb to go with Usś, the Karli. Dr. Bhayani and myself found a way out by reading mannaJ for manammi in the printed texl. VMK
4. Dr. Bhayani*s reading *tarh cia ’ is fully supported by the printed text (Mysorc edn., p. 994, last but one linę). The presence of the word jiva (yivat) in the first half of the verse, however, leads one to expect the reading tiva {tivat)9 its correlative. The linę bccomes metrically all right, if we read khanę/ci (khanęJayati) for khancfai. The meaning of the linę, however, remains somewhat obscure.
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