1. The Dean may concede an individual course of studies, if a student applies, in some justified cases such as:
a. being a lonely parent;
b. looking after a disabled person, certified by proper social authorities;
c. possessing disability, which makes it impossible to study in a normal course;
d. taking part in foreign exchange programme;
e. student after the lsl year of studies, with mean score above or equal to 4,5.
2. The Dean concedes an individual course of studies for an academic year except for people mentioned in lc, when an individual course of studies may be conceded for the whole course.
3. The Dean decides about individual course of taking courses and sitting examinations in an academic year and together with teachers decide about participation in classes and ways of obtaining signatures. An individual course of studies does not excuse a student from getting signatures and sitting examinations in examination sessions.
4. Written documents on an individual course of studies are done in two copies, one for a student to base the course of studies on and the other is kept in the student’s file.
5. A student pays school fee. An individual course of studies does not shorten the period of studies.
A student has a right to:
1. Gain knowledge, develop their scientific interest, use school rooms and eąuipment, academic teachers experience, school institutions to fulfill the aim.
2. To be a member of student organizations according to rules given in Law of Higher Education.
3. Take part in student govemment.
4. Take part in scientific societies and scientific enterprises organized by WSSM.
5. Take part in decisions taken by school organs through their representatives who are members of school organs.
6. Have a job if it does not interfere with the course of studies.
A student is obliged to act according to the WSSM Statute, the oath and study regulations.
A student is obliged to:
1. Take part in classes according to curriculum and getting signatures at the appointed time;
2. Observe school regulations;
3. Observe academic good manners;
4. Respect school Staff;
5. Ubhold student and school reputation;
6. Take care of school property;
7. Pay school fee on time.
For behaving not according to student reputation and not observing school regulations, student will be brought to superiors according to Higher Education Law (part V chapter 3).