Usinz a 1 inch athleHc tape begin one strip on the base of the plantar surface of the first metatarsal head. Angle the łapę to go across the base of the foot, around the heel, across the foot, and return to the base of the lst metatarsal head.
Repeat this process applying a strip of tape to the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th metatarsals.
Apply support strips by using 11/2 inch athledc tape. Begin the strip by placing it on the lateral aspect of the hind foot, anterior to the calcaneous. With a slight medial pressure puli across the plantar surface to the medial aspect of the foot. Repeat this process until the plantar surface is covered to the heads of the metatarsals.
Cover in the longitudinal arch taping with a thin elastic tape, sheerlight or lightplast. Prior to applica-tion of the tape, place a smali piece of prewrap on the dorsum of the foot. This will assist in protection of a sensitive area and limit irritation and possible blistering. Covering in can also be accomplished by using white non-elastic tape. For review see metatarsal arch taping.