. , nv0 inch elaslic tnpe (elastoplast or
beein by placing the base of the tape 0n the Kti surface °f thefoot. Have-flfe anmli their foot. Apply tension to the elastic Patient §L the foot into plantar flexion. The lape Pu‘“Vfension to add is the amount needed t0 amount . dorsiflexion to be physically active allow tor e o ^ {o aj|ow for movement into a bU! Tl nosition. Altach the elastic strip of tape onto pam^choTlocated slightly above the musculotendi.
„ „i the above step two to three limes depend-ReTn the size of the patient. If the patient seems “'S upt-r mo to three strips of 2" elastic tape, a 3"
L foe patient move their foot into a neutral rco deerecs). Use a thin elastic tape, such as P°®lh. . sheerlight, to cover in the area and 2r the already applied strips. Be careful not to S to much tension with the elastic tape as to Set normal tissue expans.on dunngjerase. Anonelastic white tape can also be used to cover orfiUin Only use 1 /2 strips around the joint to H constnetion of the musde complex during activity.
Completed combinaHon of Kinesio Achilles tendonitis technique and traditional Achilles tendoni-tis taping technique.
Retrocalcaneal Bursitis
bursitis is an inflammation to the retrocalcaneal bursae located behind the inscrtion of |can<N\ and the calcaneous. It may also be referred to as a "pump bump". Pressure from ten the pressure which initiatcs the inflammation.
**•*? Cxaping Technique assists with reducing edema and
Initial treatment for inflammation or edema is provided by applying two Kinesio lymphatic correc-tive technique. For complete review see lymphatic corrective technique.
Bogiń by placing the first lymphatic Kinesio fan base approximately 3-4 inches superior and medial to the retrocalcaneal bursae. Angle the fan tails at a 45 degrees in a inferior and lateral direction.
The second lymphatic fans base is approximately 3-4 inches superior and lateral to the retrocalcaneal bursae. Angle the fan tails at a 45 degrees in a inferior and medial direction..
The fan strips should form a crisscross pattem.
Application of a space correction technique to assist in reducing edema, for complete review see space correction techniques.
Bogiń by tearing the center of the paper backing of a 4-6 inch Kinesio 1 strip. Apply light to moderate, 25-50% of available tension to the exposed Kinesio Tape.
Place the Kinesio strip with applied tension directly over the retrocalcaneal bursae.
Lay down the ends of the Kinesio 1 strip with no tension.
This technique can be applied in either horizontal or vertical to the retrocalcaneal bursae.