

Buying tickets

I Mn bny tickets k for a concert or film.


Answer the phone.

Clerk Good euening. Can I help?

Clare Pd like to book three tickets for War ofthe Worlds, please. The seven-thirty showing.

Clerk Adults or children?

Clare Two sixteen-year-olds and a thirteen-year-old. Clerk Sorry, did you say two thirteen-year-olds?

Clare No, one thirteen-year-old, and two sixteen-year-olds. Clerk OK. That’s two adults and one child. That’11 be £18. Clare OK. Here you are.

Clerk £20. Thank you. Here’s your change.

1 O 1.37 Read and listen to the dialogue above. Circle the showing that Clare books tickets for on the film guide below. Listen and repeat.

Silver Screen (inemas Film Guide 10-17 July




Wedding Crashers

18.30 20.30 22.30

Adults: £6.50

Certificate PG

Children (under 14),

War of the Worlds

17.00 19.30 22.00

OAPs, Students: £5

Certificate 15

Box Office Tel: 469644

Batman Begins

Certificate U

15.00 18.00

Book Online at

2 faiiwMM Work in pairs. Practise reading the dialogue, changing the words in blue. Use information from the film guide.

3    1.38 Listen to Chris booking tickets on the phone.

Answer the questions.

1    What is Chris booking tickets for?

2    How much do they cost in total?

4 (i 1.38 Listen again. Mark the seats on the theatre plan and complete the credit card.

New Theatre_


3675 ■■■■ 2649 Bill


03/06 ■■■ MR CHRIS 1

5 Read the speaking tip below. Find one of the phrases in the dialogue in exercise 1.

Wskazówka maturalna

Nie bój się przyznać, gdy czegoś nie rozumiesz. Używaj zwrotów:


Sorry, did you say... ?

Could you repeat that, please?

6 kiawauid Work in pairs. Imagine you are booking tickets on the phone for a concert. Prepare a dialogue following the chart below.


Ask for tickets. Give the name of the concert, the datę and number of tickets. Adults or children?

Say the prices of the seats that are auailable.

Say which price of seat you'd like.

Tell the customer the total price. Ask for the customePs credit card number.

Give the number.

Ask for the expiry datę.

Give the expiry datę.

Ask for the customePs address.

Give your address.

Thank the customer and say when you will post the tickets.

Thank the clerk and finish the cali 7 HdJ:INl'ld Act out your dialogue to the dass.

Unit 4 • In the spotlight

MATURA Kultura • Mówienie Uzyskiwanie, udzielanie infoirram


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