IMG95 (2)

IMG95 (2)

After a Sting

wzziness, seizures. loss of consciotisness or death can arise as a consequence of a severe drop in blood pressure

Swelling of the lips and tongue occur frequently and can impede swallowing and breathing

Swelling of the larynx can cause suffocation

Constriction of iower airways can cause wheezing and other asthmatic-type breathing difficuities

Potentially fata! heart attacks and arrhythmias can arise as a consequence of a severe drop in blood pressure

Oilatation of large blood vessels can contribute to shock: profound lowering of blood pressure, leading to disturbance of the heart and brain

Nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and diarrhea occur sometimes

Oilatation and inereased permeability of smali blood vessels can contribute to shock

Bee Sting in an allergic individual can cause anaphylaxis: malfunc-tioning of organs far from the site of the Sting. One or morę of the symp-toms shown here might arise in any given person. Systemie reactions oc cur because venom diffuses into cir-culating blood (fnset), which can car-ry it to sensitized mast cells located throughout the body.

Skin eruptions, such as hives, are the most common symptoms


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