Non-specific techniąue for the super-ficial ventral muscles to increase dorsal flexion (C2 and caudal ver-tebrae).
P supine.
Starting Position: P: Supine; head and neck (cranial to Tl) beyond end of the couch; shoulders and thorax stabilized with a belt. T: Standing or sitting at head of couch.
Grip: T’s right hand grips P’s occiput. T’s right wrist and forearm support P’s head. T’s left hand grips under P's chin (without pressing on the larynx).
Procedurę: Using this grip, T applies traction, and then maintaining this traction, moves his/her body to gradually and fully dorsally flex P’s cervical spine.
Stimulation of Antagonists: T retains grip and asks Ptolook upwards and rearwards, and then move head and cervical spine in the direction just stretched. T resists that movement to stimulate P’s antagonists.
Notes: Stabilization of P’s thoracic spine can be improved by slightly raising the head of the couch.
Test for necessity of stretching the superficial mtral muscles: See if P has less cervical spine dorsal flexion with his/her mouth closed than with it open.
Fig. 37 a. Starting Position.
Fig. 37 b. Finał Position.