57 (308)

57 (308)

3.5.5D. Non-specific techniąue for the deep ventral muscles to increase dorsal flexion (mainly the longus capitis).

P supine.

Starting Position: P: Supine; mouth open; head and neck (cranial to C6) beyond end of couch; a firm cushion may be used to stabilize the C6 and caudal vertebrae; shoulders and thorax may be stabilized with a belt. T: Standing or sitting at head of couch.

Grip: Ts right hand grips P's occiput. Ts right wrist and forearm support P's head. T’s left hand grips P’s forehead.

Procedurę: Using this grip, T applies traction, and then maintaining this traction, moves his/her body to gradually and fully dorsally fiex P’s cervical spine, from the occiput through the C5-C6 segment.

Stimulation of Antagonists: T retains grip, and asks P to look upwards and backwards, and then move his/her head and cervical spine in the direction just stretched. T resists that movement to stimulate P’s antagonists.

Notes: For a morę specific effect, T can hołd P's head and vertebrae cranial to the one treated with the right hand. T’s left hand stabilizes the caudal vertebrae (see grip of therapy 3.2.4B, p. 37). For ease of grip and efficiency of treatment, T may position the segments cranial to the one treated in ventral flexion.

The longus capitis inserts at C6, so P's cervical spine should be stabilized at and caudal to C6.

During treatment. P's mouth should be kept open, with the lower jaw relaxed, to prevent interfer-ence from the superficial ventral muscles.

Fig. 41 a. Starting Position.

Fig. 41 b. Finał Position.



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