EJfective speaking technigues for negotiation
I Stage, warming up, that is gelling ready for tlie presentation
kill tlie critic inside you - in timcs likc this pcoplc are bcing too critical for themsches. Stop thinking "I wont do it, I will mess up, everyone sees my crooked noose. Build up positive attitude inside you!
Believe in good attitude of tlie audience - their kindness usually on your side,
Prepare your speech - investigate the subject, make notes (but do not rcad them during thc presentation!), \ isual side of the presentation, adjust vocabulary to the level and type of the audience. Make a crib. Wrile a plan of the speech, main thesis, key words - you will feel morę confidenl in case you łoose your mind.
Make some rehearsals - tape your speech, train your voice. Breathe deeply and loose your muscles so your voice won’t be supprcsscd. Analise your body language - be morę self-confident, usc open gcstures, do not prop yourself, do not hide behind the table. It is better to stand than to sit.
Relax -do not be overeat before the presentation, remember about a sweet snack (it prevents you from loosing thc blood glucosc levcl in a strcssful situation, that is protectsyou from such ‘attractions' connected with hypoglycaemia as hand shaking, sweating and problems with concentration). Alter tee and coffee with non- sparkling minerał water with some lemon juice. When you feel a greal pressure, breathe deeply, tense and then loose all your muscles for a few times.