Tho practiłioner may decide to combinc components of the three patelia tendonitis techn
examplos will be givcn below. It is important to remember it is the skill and experience of th^^' A l practitioner which guides the s.uccessful use of the Kinesio Technique. 'v
Combination of the U technique and th
Combination of the U strip and the interiory technique.
Combination of the superior Y technicjue and the I strip. It is best to apply the superior Y technique first, this will allow the ends of the Y application to be directly onto the skin to maximize adhesion.
,. tracking syndrome is generally thought of as one of the most common conditions of the knce. fi* cauSed by many factors: patelia malalignment, genu varum, genu valgum, genu rccurvatum, patelia balta and weak vastus media lis to name a few. It is a chronię or dcgenerativc fkłtC"J,vn iń which the symptoms of pain and inflammation become morę pronounced with incrcascd
evaluation of the underlying cause of patelia tracking syndrome is critical to the succcss of
uping techniąue applied.
-mUli through the skin reąuiring the surrounding tissues to normalize skin tension. This is accom-•Jhed through the use primarily of mechanical corrective technigues.
The Kinesio Taping Technique assists in reduction of edema and pain by providing aj>roprioceptivc
Optional Muscle Taoine for Weakness Following evaluation the practitioner may deter-mine muscle weakness as a causative factor in the patelia tracking syndrome. For this example the vastus medialis is involved.
For an acute inflamed or oyerused muscle use the insertion to origin application techniąue. For a chronię weakness or weakness resulting from sur-gery use an origin to insertion application techniąue.
This example is demonstrating the origin to insertion techniąue.
Option One: Patelia Tracking Lat<?.ra.l1_y - I Strip
Application of a mechanical correction I strip. As a result of the evaluation of the knee, the practitioner determines where the mechanical corrective strip should be applied.
Begin by placing the patients knee in extension. Tear the paper backing of a 4 - 6 inch long Kinesio I strip in the middle. Holding both ends, apply a mechanical correction, moderate 25-50 % of available tension, with downward pressure on the center of the Kinesio strip over the lateral border of the patelia.
For review see mechanical correction techniąue tension on tails.
The practitioner may either apply the mechanical correction tension while the knee is in extension, or have the patient move into flexion while the Kinesio strip is being applied. By applying the correction while the knee is actively moved into flexion it becomes morę functional.
Apply the mechanical correction tension around the lateral border of the patelia, tension ends as the Kinesio Tex passes the superior and inferior poles of the patelia.