

Knee Hyperextension Combination Techniąue

Knee hyperextension combination techniąue will combine the Kinesio knee hyperexfension techniąue with traditional nonelastic white or ifdesired elastic tape (elastikon ot elastoplast). The use of an elastic tape is not intended to Kpiące an injurcd ligament or appropriate rehabilitation, it is intended to providc proprioccpti ve stimuli and psychological assurance.

The nonelastic white tape or traditional elastic tape is intended to limit knee extension past the point ofthe patients'pain. This is aceomplished through the use of a fan or checkrein applicd over the popliteal fossa. Care must be taken to not restrict thehamstring or gastrocnemius musdes from expan-sion during physical actieity. If expansion is limited cramping may result.

Completed application of the Kinesio hyperexten-sion techniąue. For complete review see knee hyperextension techniąue.

The knee should be clean shaven and deansed of any oils or lotions, placed in a position in which any further extension will cause pain. Lubrication would be appropriate in the popliteal space. Spray adherent should be applied to assist in limited migration of the tape. A underwrap (prewrap) may be applied, however it is highly recommended that the anchors be directly applied to the skin.

Apply anchors approximately mid-thigh and mid-cal/ using a thin elastic tape (sheerlight or lightplast). If white tape is used only apply 1/2 strips to aUow for expansion of muscle tissue during activity.

Begin placement of strips starting from the mid-calf to the mid-thigh, pulling in an upward direction. The strips should be place in a senes which when completed will form a fan or checkrein.

If a traditional elastic tape (elastikon or elasto-plast) is used, make sure all tension is removed prior to tape application.

Nonelastic white tape may be preferable for use for the fan, sińce it does not allow for any increased motion following application.

Begin the second strip on the interior postcrior medial aspect of the calf below the knee. The strip should be angled accross the popliteal space and end on the posterior lateral aspect of the thigh.

Begin the third strip on the inferior posterior lateral aspect of the calf below the knee. The strip should be angled accross the popliteal space and end on the posterior medial aspect of the thigh.

Norma Uy, two to three strips are used for each of the three strips. The number depends upon the size of the athlete and the degree of knee extension limitation desircd.

Two options for completion:

Anchor the fan application by using nonelastic white tape or traditional elastic tape. Only anchor above and below the knee joint.

If white nonelastic tape is used only apply 1/2 circular strips to allow for muscle expansion during activity.

Option Two: Anchor the fan application by using thin elastic tape (lightplast or sheerlight) sta rti ng from the mid-calf and ending at the mid-thigh. Endose all open and exposed areas with the light elastic tape.

Remember that when the light elastic tape is used to "fili in" the exposed areas, do not apply to much tension. This may compromise circulation.



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