Ligament/Tendon Correcttim
Ligament/Tendon Correcttim
Kinesio Tex Tape is applied for ligaments with moderate to severe, 50-75% of available tension with the tape directly over the area of the ligament. Maximum of fuli, 100% of available tension may also be used if the practitioner determines it appropriate.The ends of the tails as always have no tension at the start orendof the tape application. Itcan either be applied from origin to insertion or insertion to origin, asbest determined by the practitioner. Generally, the tape should be applied from insertion to origin, in this manner the tension of the tape will be limiting the allowable movement of the ligament. (It may be desirable to have the patient move the area being taped through a limited or fuli rangę of motion iSf appropriate for function.)
The ligament/tendon correction is applied to create increased stimuli over the area of a ligament or tendon that results in increased stimulation to the mechanoreceptors. This increased stimulusisbelieved tobeperceived as proprioceptive stimuli that are interpreted bv the brain as morę similar to normal tissue.
Tape application for the tendons is simii^ except that less tension, light to moderate 25-50% of available tension is applied directty over the area of the tendon. The ends of the tails as always have no tension at the start or end of the tape application. Tension can be increased directly over the area of the tendon When the tape crosses over the muscle belly. the tension should be adjusted for either ar\ origin to insertion:very light tension (15% 0j| available tension), or insertion to origin: ligj« to moderate tension (25-50% of available j tension).
Two methods of application for the liglament tendon can be used. One: beginby applying the Kinesio I Strip with no tension at the beginning, apply desired tension over the length of the ligament, end by laying down the end of the strip with no tension. Second: begin by tearing the paper backing in the middle of the I Strip, apply desired tension to the middle 1/3 of the strip, with tension held in the Kinesio Strip apply the strip over the length of the ligament, end the application by having the patient move the body part through as much rangę of motion as possible and complete by applying ends of strip with no tension.
Use of ligament correction techniąue applied to create increased stimuli over the area of a gament resulting in increased stimulation to the mechanoreceptors. Generally, the base of te corrective strip should be started at the insertion of the ligament. This should ensure the ;nsion being created by the Kinesio Strip is having a shortening effect on the skin and joint.
Begin base of tape with no tension. Hołd the tape end to ensure that no tension will be placed on the base. Practitioner may want to practice the placement of the Kinesio Strip prior to base placement to limit error on initial application.
Apply severe to fuli, 75-100% of available tension along theapproximatepositionof ligament, with patient in a functional position (e.g.: knee 20-30 degrees of flexion).
Slide the hand that was holding tension at the base up to the end of tension position at approximately the origin of the ligament. Lay down the taił of the tape with no tension.
Prior to completion of the Kinesio Strip application the joint may need to be moved through a fuli rangę of motion prior to finał base strip application. Example: for the wrist correcti ve strip applied in neutral position, tails applied during flexion or extension.