Kinesio Te\ Otpc u hen applied using the łymptuHn: itmvflaa technkfua effects lymphatic dnunsge by lifting the skin vta convolutionst proYtding space and dccrcasiitg pressure. The lifting of the skin. causing the filament oon-nected hetween the fnsciafdennts and endothehul ceJls m the pre-lympb yessebt to be lifted. allow-tng the edema to enter causing the obligatory łoad to fili the capillaries. This crcatcs areas of demeased pressure under the Kinesio Tm Tape. allowirtg anras ofhigher pressure surtonding the Kinesio Te% Tape to oii^nfr to the aren of lower pressure via the anastoruosis of the lymphatic capiUanes. It is beUeved this results in decreased stimuh on the pressure receptom and Chemical receptom causing a reduction in pain.
The ly mphatic correction is applied using a
fan cut. The Kinesio Tm Tape can easily be cut
iłito 4 strip*. Cliniodly. cuts of 5 ar 6 strips have bcett shoun to be most effective in edema reduction. It is however morę difficult to make an apply cuts of 5 or 6 strips, it may be best for the pnrctiltoner to inuiaUy use a fan of 4 cuts.
Tbe bmse of the Kinesio Fan Strip is placcd appnxx unately in the region oftbe lymph node the edema is to be dirccted. The patient is placcd in a siretch positkm and the fan strips arc applied wtth nonę to IO-IS^t of available strełch on the Kinesio Tex Tape. The tape can be applied in an osertappmg patiem to furtber assist wtth edema itrhnimn
■ Kasę, Kenzo, 'TUustrated Kinesio-Taplng", Ken'I Kai Information, Creative Design*, Inc., Alba-I querque, New Mexico, thirci edition, 2000.
I Kinesio Taping Association, "Advanced Kinesio Taping Technkjue".
I Warfel, John H.," The Extremities", Lea & Febiger, Philadeiphia, fourth edition, 1982.
I Anderson, James £., "Crant's Atlas of Anatomy", Williams and Wiłkens, Baltimore/ London, leighth edition, 1982.