lay down thc ends of the Kinesio stri
tcnsion. If thc corrcctivc strip \vas h
knecinanextended position, have £en W‘lh tu into flexion prior to tape ends appuCatjPi,ti^nt ^
a mechanical correction with ApPuca ,up taiis. With this techniąue the tensu tónf°rpdupon the taiis to use the "recoil eftecr 0T iS PTftic ąualities of the Kinesio Tex to create
l^e e .potwe tcnsion.
pfS applying the base of the Kinesio strip v asp«t of the pateUa with ncT
'^oTcomplete review see mechaniail correction techniąue-
With one hand, hołd the base to ensure no tension ^M duringapplication. One taił is applied ‘te is added S o£q{ avaiiable tension and down. ^
^oreśsure along the inferior pole of the pateUa. 'Z JSnd taił is applied with similar tension and ^w^ward pressure along the supenor pole of the
||l||łU~- j ’ surę to
The last approximately one inch of the taiis of the mechanical correction tension on taiis techniąue is
applied with no tension.
Qp.U0n Threc: Patella Trncking 1 .atcrnUy - Tension on Base
Application of a mechanical correction with tcnsion on the base. For this techniąue the practitio-ner may cithcr use the tension in the base of the Kinesio strip or use a manuał correction to position the pateUa in the desired position.
Begin with the first approximatcly 2 inches of the base of the Kinesio Y cut strip with no tension. With one hand hołd the initial application base to ensure no tension will be added.
For review sec mechanical correction tcnsion on base.
Apply appropriate tension to create desired proprioceptive stimuli. A moderate, 25-50% of available tension with downward pressure on the lateral border of the pateUa would be appropriate.
As the tension is applied to the Kinesio strip move the hand which has been holding the initial base tension up the Kinesio strip.
It is felt that if the tension is applied to the skin as the tension is applied it will reduce or minimize the recoil effect of the tape. By laying it down segmen-tally it keeps the tension on the skin in each segment as it is laid down.
Tension is applied over the crest of the lateral border of the pateUa.
While holding the tension on the lateral border of the pateUa, have the patient move their knee into flexion. Lay down the superior taił along the superior border of the pateUa with no tension. Lay down the inferior taU along the inferior border of the pateUa with no tension.
Prior to any further patient movement activate the Kinesio strip glue by rubbing the tape application.
Completed Kinesio taping method of pateUa tracking syndrome.