
By preparing a table showing the alleration madę by a bob at each of the iead-ends of the plain ooyr.se. touches and peak can bc pricked, when the munberof trobie Inads by whtch the bob changes aro parted front one another is known.

Such a table is given helów, and o»n the right of the bob changes 1 have, for the sake of conveiiicm:e, yiven the lechnica! terms corresponding to the pln.ces ocuipicd by the tenor at each of the di (Tereni lead-ends.

Table aj Rob Ch<xug'.i,

23-l5 6

A bib the first lead #ives 23504 (Wron")

......seccmd !cad 35642 fr<jurth‘s)

.. third lead .. 56423 (Oulj

...... rr-urlh lead ..    64255 lin)

......lifilt lead    4235 ("> (Kightor Home)

Tiefote 1 proceed to give penis by the bob chaiiges I will further e\plain my icmarks (p.<ge 66) on the obsei nations by which peaJs may be called. Referritig tu the second touch of 120 (page 64), the observation to cali ihis touch is l'a bob e\ery limę the sisth dodges behind"; if to this obser valion we add, “estept tlao hfth be willi her,” the bobs at the lead-enck, when the hftli and sixth dodge together in 5-6, will be omitted, and the touch will uin to 300 r han ges. If a single be called at any lead m these 360 changes, thai is. at any lead in the hrsl Kalf-pH.il, and anotrtei single ai the same place in the secund hall" pea.1, the 720 chaiiges will be produced. As, how* ever, the object of a single is only to rerejse the pnsition of Iwo helis., >t will be as well lu r.hoose suca a lead-eml in the ftrst lutlf-poal for calling the single that the obserwuj on helis will not be allered by it; or eke, although the bobs would slill reąuiie to be c.dleJ at the same lead-ends in the second


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