


Stitching Instructions:

Long stitch fringe on tip of hat and on the ends of the hat’s straps using 2 strands “strawberry fieids*.

Long stitch fringe on ends of scarf using 2 strands DMC 605. Then long stitch the horizontal lines running across the top of the fringe using 2 strands DMC 605.

Work a Smyrna Cross for each snoiofiake in the sky using 2 strands DMC B5200. The diagram beiow shows you how to stitch the smaiiest snoujfiakes. When stitching the larger snowfiakes, foiiow the placement of the lines as shotun on the chart.


CJse one blue jay button and one Cardinal button.

Compiete ail other stitching before attaching buttons. £ee cover photo for reference.

Position each button as shown by outiine on chart (do not stitch outiine). The blue jay is on the left and the Cardinal is on the right.

Attach the blue jay button using 1 strand “blue bonnet”. Attach the Cardinal button using 2 strand “strawberry fieids”.

Stitchy Kitty

P-0- B0X 355

Scarborough, Maine 0W70


“Wlltr Copyright ©2007 Micheiie Lutren. Ali rights resewed.

No portion of this chart may be reproduced in any way except u>ith needie and thread utfthout prior written permission from £tftchy K*tty.


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