

Media 1 Ankle Sprain

A sprain to the mediaI ligaments of the ankle (deltoid) ocurs as the result of ankle evcrsion. Medial ankle sprains account for less that 10 % of nil ankle sprains. This is the result of the large thick deltoid ligament located on the medial aspect of the ankle and the stability of the ankle mortise during eversion motion.

Treatment of medial sprains consists of edema reduction due to acute injury, maintenancc of muscle strength, proprioceptive stimuli, and prophylactic taping to reduce reoccurrcnce. For a complete treatment protocol refer to latcral ankle sprains on page ?

A common occurrence with medial ankle sprains is the loss of the medial longitudinal arch resulting from injury.

A prophylactic traditional athletic taping can be applied to limit re-injury, for complete description see latcral ankle sprain combination technique._________

Application of lymphatic corrective technique to the medial aspect of the ankle joint. For complete review see lymphatic corrective technique.

Basic Kinesio Technique application for posterior tibialis muscle. To assist in inversion rangę of motion and limit muscle weakness.

Application of ligament correction for the deltoid ligament shown over optional underwrap (prewrap). It is important for the practitioner to be careful in applying the ligament correction to the medial aspect, do not place the ankle joint into to much inversion, this may cause the patient to injury the lateral aspect of their ankle during recovery.

Be gin by applying a mechanical correction tech-nique with the middle of the Kinesio I strip on the base of the calcaneous with no tension.

With one hand hołd the Kinesio strip which has becn applied to the plantar surface over the calca-ncous. Apply a ligament correction, moderate to severe, 50-75% of available tension, up over the medial malleolus and continue up the shaft of the tibia.

Apply tension whilc trying to maintain the ankle in a neutral position to mini mi ze plantar flexion and inversion.

Move the hand which was holding the Kinesio strip up above the medial malleolus and initiate tape adherence. Apply tension while trying to maintain the ankle in a neutral position to minimize eversion.

Lay down the approximately last two inches with no tension.

Apply a modified figurę of eight techniąue as described in the lateral ankle sprain, for complete description see lateral ankle sprain combination techniąue.

The modification is to reverse the angle of puli. Instead of beginning on the medial aspect of the foot, begin on the lateral aspect of the foot. Applying tension to the medial aspect of the ankle in the region of the deltoid ligament.

Two modifications can be madę to the basie techniąue.

One, photo on left, apply a metatarsal arch techniąue to assist in maintaining the metatarsal arch and medial longitudinal arch. For complete description see metatarsal arch techniąue.

Two. photo on right, apply a Achilles tendonitis techniąue to assist in reducing stiffness which may result from the patients inability to move their ankle during acute injury phase. For complete reyięw see Achilles tendonitis techniąue.


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