Paper Piecing Patterns (7)
★ Mat ihc filiislied piccc on black.
Bali, Beach
• paitcmed Paper Pizazz" ■ ycllow dots (liright Ibits): teal suede, purplc swirl. smudgcd blue, red wieli dots* (Bri.t>hs Great Backgwunds)
• solid Paper Piza?*™'- black (Solid Jewel Toneś)
• black pen: Zig
\ / Usethe S bcachball with tlK sanrf bucket fpage 106) for a fun beach pace.
■ patterned Paper Pizaa": pink and yelkiw plaid* (Pastel Plaids)
• solili Paper Piza:*'tan, pink. ydlow, mim (Plam Pastelu)
• V-\" hole punch: McCiill, lny.
• black pen: Zig
cut 2
♦ This paper i* also available by che shcei
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