Paper Piecing Patterns (8)

Paper Piecing Patterns (8)

y Mat each piccc on black.


Use willi scissors (page 55 117) for a "My First Haircul” page.

K This paper is also availahlc hy rhc shcct

Barber shop Pole

•    pallenied Paper Pizuzz™: red and whitc stripcs* {Ho, Ho.

blue willi iri-dots (Dots, Checks, Plaids & Siripes)

   solid Paper Pizazzv': red {Pledu łirights): whitc (Plain Pastels); black (Solid Jewel Tones)

Baseball Cap

•    pattemed Paper Pizaz?.™: red willi siars,* red pinstripe,* red with

tri-dots4 (Dots, Checks, Plaids «£• Stripes)

♦solid Paper PizazżM: black (Solid Jewel Tones)

•    blade pen: Zig

IH* 15


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