Paper Piecing Patterns (39)

Paper Piecing Patterns (39)


•    paiiemcd Paper Pizazr™: black and whiteplaid* (For Błock d! Wbite. Pliaios): black with while dots* (Heritage Paper a)

•    solid Paper Fizazz™: black (Solid Jewel Tones)\ whitc, golden yellow. blue {Plam Fastełs); vcllum (VeUnm Paper*)

•    pink dccorating chalk: Craf T ProducLs

•    cotton swab

•    black pen: Zi<i

y Mat each piece on black or whitc as show n.

('ul I icc cube from vellum and 1 from blue. Gluc thc vellum cubc bctween che annss and ihc blue cu be behind che left anti.

" This pa(x;r is aJso avuilahlc by ihe sdteel


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