PDF 5(1)

PDF 5(1)

BCow to ‘llsc ‘This ‘Bock

You can draw any prmcess l>y lollowing the śimple sleps hi ihLs book. You’ll be arnazed al how lun and easy drawing can be!

Step 2

Kat-li n«w .%U!|ł appear* iri 1:1 ue, xi dntw ^11 ihc Muc Jinc-^

vou xee.

Srev 1

Stan your drawings ir the middb oł your paper so you don'c nin out ot rcom.


Kcfiiic ehe liucs ot your diawing and .idd ehe dccails.

Step 4

Darkca the liacs you **an: to kcco and ense the rest.

Step 5

Alid sunie lieaul*’-


ild si

ful color* tu rruke ymir drawing

rrallv come alive!


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