ac (4)

ac (4)


Hairpin loom

Harpn loomt ara odlotowo. to you can oferent widths ol crochet. The mewi pr<$ ara hałd« po»Uco by etos or bar s s r* top and bonom, and they can be ooced ciota logether (o make a narrow vrc or movad tarther apart to make a


Sort wgt or shaped toops mada trom engntiy colorad płatne car be stpped onto »ar crochet to mark a płaca on a paltem, x mcscate the begiming row ot a rapeet, and to nap with oounting the stitches on r« tcoodabon cbain.

Sawtng neediet

^scesry needes have bfcrt portt and

eng ayat and ara noimaCy usad tor .->3 tnraad ombrodery. They coma n • rarge c< sizes and ara ueed tor weeitrig r ,tm ends and for seMng peces ot togotoer. \*ry larga bkrt-andad naadaa ara otian tobttod aa *yam <a*3es.' Ybu may atso naad a tetoctod tamng naatfat wtb tnarp ports tor •cc , rg taojna. Modang errcrodery


Gfoss-headod mstproot pns ara tho batt typa to uta tor otodctig (taa paga 44». Płastic-haodad or peari-headed pmt cen be usod tor pinning crochet and tor cold-

water WockJng, but do not uta tNt typa tor tteam biockng bacauaa tha haaiof tha ton wtt mat the płatne heads. Oułtors’ long pns wilh ttney hondo era useful when Pinning pieces ot crochat together Decausa the heads ara easy to see and wtt not tłip through the crochet fabńc.

Beading noodlos

Beadng needfes ara avniUib)o In both tong and short lengtht aa wi aa w ddarart e*kneeeee. The aBe you uee we be datormnao by the soa ot the boads and tha type ot ftraad or wire. As a genem guda. We 10 naades ara sutatte tor moat beadad proiacto. Kwatod wira beadng neaoaa ara mada twmtwiaiedwirawth a bop ai ona and: twy ara uaaM wban wortóg wito very smal boadt or when yai naad to taka the thraad or wre torough ma same baadt eerarai tmas. tory fne *&g Eya'naatSaa ara tpto by an-ayo'toal ront ngN down tho caniar ot the neatfa. mafeng

Tape meaaure

Chooae ona that ahowa boto tocbaa and cenamerara on the samo Me and raptooa it when t bacomat wom or frayad bacauat th« means rt wfl probebty hava atratchad and becoma tnaccurata. A t2* (30cm) metal or płatne nttr is aiso usolul tor meatunng gaugo swatchos.

Sharp scissora

Chooee a smal ponted pair to cut yam and trtm oto yam ends.

Wlra cutters and pliers Uta a pair ot wire cutters tor cutting wire and Wtnmrg metaMndngt. and at toast ona par ot piere tor oerttng wra. Twopart woUdbaoaat. auch as a par ot nat-roso piere and a pair <* rcuto-noee ptare.


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