1 Ał»rg* tne on r< me terem eto so me, a* tne leor-ec asarce aoar. Make a s»rcf o tha yam and Pop «over ma M4«ndpn.
3 irean vw ooeftot nook reo ma Pop on r« nadano pm. **w me >*m owr me noc*, and aaałiiognMMp.
8 Tmst the hook eroind eo chat the handte porte upward and * aco.e the werk. then ta irtdot mehan^e through npmebomtne
backotmepom. TUnthePomi80degrees dockwtee to make e hea km. aaowrtg tne ya to Mrtł around me ngr«-hand pn aa yoo do i The omar ede oi me cap «■ oe taorg you a you «e be rokang ma hocfc m son or ma mc
2 Ease tro knot ocross so 4les mn# contw between me płnt Taka me yam oack around the itflW-hand pin. tonsonng 4 between yow Inpers as -1 yOu ww> worMng orttoary CfOChet.
4 Map re yem over the hook agan and 0«w n thfough Sie ttop on the hook to aecure the yam. Th* comptetee me ir«t argp crochet etach.
S insert the hock under the irent Pop on the loft-hand pm. plck tp the yem et the back oi
loom. and drew a Pop ot yam tnrough so mt
marę ae two toope on the hoc*.
7 wep the yam over me hook and drew 4 tnoup me two pope on me hook w make i
pngH crocnet etteh.
Harpm orochet Mrp