many despcrate acts <>f design drop shadows, gradicnts and thc grat uitous nse of transparency) arc cominitted in thc void Icft by a strong concept . A good idea proyides a frarnework tor design deeisions, gniding thc work.
Iw morr grrai athice, register for our Tkesign Workihops,
d by >n<łii«ry profcuionals, u part of Fałuaration \Veck,
pretented I
November 13-18, 2007
AU worfcsltops will be hrld at thr the Ans. and I-eum Club of Toronto, locatrd at
To br riijpbłr >nu mus be a student of a Graphir Design Program at an Ontario College. Kir further informaoon rrgarrfmg rrgittraaon. as \vell at a fuli httir.g of wnrksbop topjo, pleatc \itit our webiite at \wvw,rgd.tvnrk>ihop*.cB