cp 30
Captain Godfrey Rodrigues
ELIEVE it or not. proud as I am of my succcssful con-quest of my infirmitics of youth, about which Direc-tor Roloff has told you, I dislikc vcry much to appcar in public. to spcak in public. or evcn to appear in public
Cmrftl pottmrt in lifting Jor* not ll retfiirr* limg prsctUr to ttduct thr nc<et*arily mran to iii itraighl, a* thi* »anilinę to that ńtling brcomr* natural
pietmrt Jrmonttratr*. in (orrect potlmrr.
print. I am unfortunatcly not a "natural advcrtiscr. Nor would I do tt at all. wcrc it not that when I look about mc and sce thc poor. miscrablc spccimcns of humanity who slouch, crcep. crawl, amble. tottcr. wiggle. waggle and wobble down our city strccts, I feel so uttcrly sorry for thcm all. that my conscience will not Ict mc kcep silcnt or follow any occu-pation othcr than that of tcaching natural posturc.
Saying this. [ rcalizc pcrhaps even bcttcr than you do how likcly you are to class mc as anothcr cgoist. a sclf -glori-ficr. a vain-glorious scckcr aftcr notoricty. a publicity hunter, or a spot-light enthusiast. Try to bclieve mc. reader. I am nonc of thcsc. Wcrc I in truth. any of thcm. do you supposc
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cp back Captain Godfrey Rodrigues Hcre‘s to the Health Captain. , Hiking for hcalth! He. who so genecp 77 A STORY FOR THE WEAKLINGBv Capt. Godfrey Rodrigues S there a weakling in your homc? A suffcrcrcebu philippines44 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS CITY PLANS For use by War and Navy Department Agencies only Ncp 74 ON CORRE:CT BROATHING Hy Capt. Godfrey RodriguesDangerous, immortal, and thirsting for blood.Like it or not, “they” are among us. Laurell K.Movios Gcnre Sort by CaptainAmtfKo: T_ TheAfiunngSpider... Dtargcnt Nojti Nc«J for SpecdTHE WOLF OFcp 08 POSTURĘ AND HEALTH lly Arnold H. Kegel. M. D. CommiMionrr of Health. Chicago. III. OOD POSTURĘcp 33 WHY USE YOUR BODY FOR A DERRICK? Bv Captain Rodrigues IO you cnvy thc man with big. bulging mucp 69 POSTURĘ FOR CHILDREN EHOW I comc to thc point where I humbly address thc .i] rnothcrs and fathjow09 04 THE JCHETT INSTITUTE OP PHYSICAL CUL7URE THE JC*T.T7 arstŚL* Ol HEALTH AJ.D :»SCl£ BUILDISCfisher 2 Building stuff for search head is Komatex N°4 1.Circle310mm. two numbers 2. 3. 4. band 2mm.grabwgatescan *k wGateScan 3.0 for Win98 by Pixel / Edena Hostname or IP :więcej podobnych podstron