Captain Rodrigues
IO you cnvy thc man with big. bulging muscles? Do you think tbat tbe human body is at its highest dcgree of cfficicncy whcn it is coecred with bumps and lumpa standing out on its surfacc likc thc nodulcs on a potato?
Herc ule• — dli mutdet; hertce po te tmggetlt moi ertergy hut reiaretion the utuel retult of ttren-uoui uf kle tut.
Does it not sttm that the great cause of physical perfeciion which we ate laboring to adeance is rcally hampered. and in a measure discredited. by these men who are dcvclopcd to thc extrcme?
An impression is creatcd that these stronę men are the real exponenls of health.
c*pt. ttojr igmet 19 1916 uf ter return-
i mg from India: it
mi tirem he begun correct posturę for htmtelf.
In thc devclopmcnt of thc body thcrc is a happy medium. Too mucłi is as bad as too littlc. and perhaps worse. Big muscles ceasc to have virtue whcn they be-comc in themselees the sole reason for their cxistencc.
Physical strength is of value to a man or woman only w Iren it becomes a medium for a better and fullcr life. a life of con-structiee labor and achicvcmcnt.
Muscles are not the outward signs of inward health of body and mind. but they are part of man's cquipment to "carry on” in the rush and tumbie of the world.
Any other belief conccrning this point must be manifcstly wrong.