cp 74

cp 74



Capt. Godfrey Rodrigues

|4BHr|ANY foolish suggcstions aro constantly boing mado Okby pcrsons untjualificd by lack of knowlcdge lo speak LEiaŁJ UpQn tjjC subjea. I tberefore deern ii wise, the matlcr boing of primary importancc, to guide our roaders thought and aetion in the direction of simple and natural brcathing.

The chief organs of respiration (brcathing) are the Trachea. or wind pipo. and the Bronchia. formed by the sub-division of the trachia and lungs with their air-cells or sacs.

The lungs aro convex externally. and conform to tire cavity of the chest. while the internal surface is concaec for the accommodation of the hcart. The size of the lungs depends upon the capacity of the chest ; and the density. upon the amount of air which they contain.

Respiration is the function by which the venous (im-puret blood. conveyed to the lungs by the pneumonary artery is converted into arterial (red) blood.

This is effected by the eliminatton of carbonic acid (the body's worst enemy) which is expired, or exhaled. from the lungs. and by the absorption of oxygen (the body's best friend) from the air which is taken into the lungs. by the act of respiration. or inhalation.

The act of expiration is performed chiefly by the cleva-tion of the diaphragm (the muscular dieision. or sheath. between the thorax (chest )and abdomen) and elevation of tbe ribs.


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