Hcre‘s to the Health Captain.
, Hiking for hcalth!
He. who so generously Gives of his wcalth
Of Physical Culture Experience free—
Sharing it gladly—
With you and with me.
Hikc with him once. and you'11 Do it again:
Makes you feel great to walk "Head up." and then.
"Keep the abdominal Museles drawn in”—
Practirt it daily — in - No timc you‘lł win.
"Don't be afraid of air."
(Free as the sun):
Walk Home from work w hen your Day's work is done."
Th<*sc are the health hints he Cii sos in each talk.
But alwjws. and cver the Captain wvs. "WAI.K!”
—Mary Emhune Sheehan
"Capi. Rodrigun u ih> C»r of Ph>ikal Edueation.”
—-Brrnarr MacFaddcn